Cryptography and Blockchain Security

Nov 8 and 9, 2021

Black Hat Europe

Scoreboard · Submit Flags



C 330: MetaMask and Ethereum (15 extra)
C 360: Making a NFT (15 extra)
M 101: Genymotion Android Emulator (15 extra)
C 334: MetaMask Mobile Wallet (10 extra)

Smart Contracts

C 351: Making a Solidity Contract (10 extra)
C 352: Making a Coin with Solidity (10 extra)
C 353: Reentrancy Attack (20 extra)
C 354: Winning an Auction (10 extra)
C 355: Exploiting a Fallback Function (10 extra)
C 391: Glow (20 extra)


ED 30: Linux Virtual Machine (15 extra)
C 340: Making a Private Ethereum Blockchain (10 extra)
C 341: Making a Node on the Kovan PoA Testnet (30 extra)
C 342: MetaMask with Local Testnet (10 extra)


C 380: Radix Wallet (20 extra)
C 390: Exodus Wallet (15 extra)
H 532: Hacking PoWHCoin (15 extra)
C 303: Double-Spend (51% Attack) on Bitcoin (20 extra)
C 370: Stellar (15 extra)


H 530: Blockchains (15 extra)
H 201: Google Cloud Linux Server (10 extra)
C 311: Multichain (20 extra)
C 312: Joining Samchain (20 extra)
H 531: Hyperledger IROHA (15 extra)


C 101. Binary Games (25 pts + 15 extra)
C 102. Caesar Cipher (30)   (requires windows)
C 103. Substitution Cipher (20)   (requires windows)

Python 3 Trinkets
Installing Python 3 on Windows

C 105. Two-Time Pad (20 pts + 65 extra)
C 106. The Rho Method (15 + 15 extra)
C 104. Obfuscation CTF (49 pts extra)   

CryptoHack (extra credit)

Python Basics

VP 10: Python 3 Setup  10
VP 100: Strings  50
VP 110: Bytes and Files  25
Python3 Conversions
Execute Python Online

Cryptography with Python

VP 300: Password Hashes  85
VP 301: Caesar Cipher  52
VP 310: XOR  65
VP 320: AES  55
VP 330: Argon2 Hashes  47

AES Modes

C 201. Cracking AES (With Weak Keys)   (requires windows) (20)
C 202. ECB v. CBC Modes with Python 3 (20)
C 203. PBKDF2 and AES (90)


C 401. RSA Using Very Small Keys (30)
C 402. Cracking a Short RSA Key (50)
C 403. RSA Key Formats (40)


C 430: Private-Key Encryption With Sodium (65 extra)
C 431: Public-Key Encryption With Sodium (25 extra)


C 501. Padding Oracle Attack (20 + 50 extra)
C 502. Existential Forgery Attack on RSA Signatures (10 + 20 extra)
C 503. Finding Large Primes (10 + 10 extra)
C 504. Factoring Large Numbers (10 + 10 extra)
C 506. Baby-Step, Giant-Step Attack on DLP (45 extra)
C 507. Pollard-Rho Attack on DLP (50 extra)
C 510. Quantum Computing (20 extra)
C 521: Homomorphic Encryption with SEAL (30 extra)
C 522: IBM Homomorphic Encryption (25 extra)
















Posted 11-7-21
11-10-21: C 203 score corrected