VP 330: Argon2 Hashes (47 pts)


Understand the advantages of Argon2 hashes and practice using them.


If you just want to do the hands-on projects, skip this section.


Read this article (you can skip sections 3.2 - 6.3):
Argon2: the memory-hard function for password hashing and other applications
Then answer the questions below.

Flags VP 330.1: Hash System (2 pts)

What hashing system uses SMix and ROMix?

Flags VP 330.2: Hash Type (2 pts)

What is the technical term for a hash function with this property:
D(α) > 1/α as α → 0

Flags VP 330.3: Side-Channel (2 pts)

Which flavor of Argon2 is vulnerable to side-channel attacks?

Flags VP 330.4: Chains (2 pts)

What parameter determines how many independent computational chains can be run?

Flags VP 330.5: Cold Boot (2 pts)

Which flavor of Argon2 resists cold-boot attacks?

Installing Argon2-cffi

We'll use the argon2-cffi library, documented at:
Execute this command:
python3 -m pip install argon2-cffi

Testing Argon2-cffi

Execute this command to start Python 3 in interactive mode:
Then execute this commands to hash a password and check password guesses:
from argon2 import PasswordHasher
ph = PasswordHasher()
hash = ph.hash("s3kr3tp4ssw0rd")
ph.verify(hash, "s3kr3tp4ssw0rd")
ph.verify(hash, "wrongpassword")
As shown below, the correct password returns "True", and an incorrect password causes an exception.
Execute these commands to see the attributes of the password hash object you created in the previous steps, and display the value of the __class__ attribute:
The class is displayed, as shown below.

Flags VP 330.6: Salt Length (2 pts)

How many bytes long is the salt used in the password hash you computed in the previous steps?

Flags VP 330.7: Password (10 pts)

The password is passwordNN, where NN is a two digit number, like password11.

Find the password matching the hash below. That password is the flag.


Flags VP 330.8: Hash (10 pts)

Calculate a hash of password using these parameters:
  • Time cost: 100
  • Memory cost: 102400
  • Parallelism: 8
  • Hash length: 8 bytes
  • Salt length: 8 bytes
  • Encoding: utf-8
  • Type: Argon2id
The flag is covered by a green rectangle in the image below.

Flags VP 330.9: Password (10 pts)

The password is passwordNN, where NN is a two digit number, like password11.

Find the password matching the hash below. That password is the flag.

Part of the hash has been redacted and replaced with underscores.


Flags VP 330.10: Salt (5 pts)

Find the salt for this hash. That salt, as eight ASCII characters, is the flag.


UTF-16 from Wikipedia
crypt function not hashing properly on Mac (uses a specific salt)
Argon2: Practical Cryptography for Developers
Argon2 Github
Open Sesame The Password Hashing Competition and Argon2
How to Choose the Right Parameters for Argon2

Posted 7-9-2020