The image is named "tux.bmp" and I got it from Wikipedia.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3-pip -y
python3 -m pip install pycryptodome
cd Downloads
Python 3 opens in Immediate Mode,
as shown below.
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
key = b"aaaabbbbccccdddd"
cipher =, AES.MODE_ECB)
Execute these commands to read the "tux.bmp" binary file into a variable named "clear". After the second line, press Enter twice.
with open("tux.bmp", "rb") as f:
clear =
Execute this command to encrypt the data in "clear".
ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(clear)
An error message appears, saying
"Data must be aligned to block boundary in ECB mode",
as shown below.
Execute these commands to see the length of the "clear" data, and the length modulus 16.
As shown below, the length mod 16 is
Execute this command to trim a section of "clear" out, skipping the first 64 bytes (the image file header), and the last 2 bytes, saving the result in a variable named "clear_trimmed".
clear_trimmed = clear[64:-2]
Execute these commands to see the length of the "clear_trimmed" data, and the length modulus 16.
As shown below, the length mod 16 is
0. It's now a multiple of 16 bytes
Execute this command to encrypt the data in "clear_trimmed", and put it in a variable named "ciphertext".
ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(clear_trimmed)
Execute these commands to add the first 64 bytes and the last 2 bytes to "ciphertext", and write it to a file named "tux_ecb.bmp".
After the third line, press Enter twice.
ciphertext = clear[0:64] + ciphertext + clear[-2:]
with open("tux_ecb.bmp", "wb") as f:
The encrypted file still shows a lot of information about the image, as shown below.
with open("tux_ecb.bmp", "rb") as f:
bytes =
C 202.1: Hexadecimal Values (10 pts)
Execute this command to show the last four bytes of the encrypted file in hexadecimal.The flag is covered by a green rectangle in the image below.
CBC mode requires an additional "iv" parameter, as shown below.
iv = b"0000111122223333"
cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
Execute this command to encrypt the data in "clear_trimmed", and put it in a variable named "ciphertext".
ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(clear_trimmed)
Execute these commands to add the first 64 bytes and the last 2 bytes to "ciphertext", and write it to a file named "tux_cbc.bmp".
After the third line, press Enter twice.
ciphertext = clear[0:64] + ciphertext + clear[-2:]
with open("tux_cbc.bmp", "wb") as f:
The encrypted file is now random pixels, as shown below.
with open("tux_cbc.bmp", "rb") as f:
bytes =
C 202.2: Hexadecimal Values (10 pts)
Execute this command to show the last four bytes of the encrypted file in hexadecimal.The flag is covered by a green rectangle in the image below.
Execute these commands to create a new "cipher" object in GCM mode.
iv = b"0000111122223333"
cipher =, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce=iv)
Execute this command to
encrypt the data in "clear_trimmed",
put it in a variable named
ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(clear_trimmed)
Execute these commands to
add the first 64 bytes and the
last 2 bytes to "ciphertext",
and write it to a file named
After the third line, press Enter twice.
ciphertext = clear[0:64] + ciphertext + clear[-2:]
with open("tux_gcm.bmp", "wb") as f:
The encrypted file is now random pixels, as shown below.
with open("tux_gcm.bmp", "rb") as f:
bytes =
C 202.3: Hexadecimal Values (10 pts)
Execute this command to show the last four bytes of the encrypted file in hexadecimal.The flag is covered by a green rectangle in the image below.