Incident Response

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Splunk Boss of the SOC

BOTSv1: Threat Hunting with Splunk  325

ATT&CK Matrix v9

Reference: ATT&CK Matrix v9 for Enterprise
ATT 1: ATT&CK Tactics  10
ATT 2: ATT&CK Techniques for Tactics 43, 42, & 1‑3  10
ATT 3: ATT&CK v9 Techniques for Tactics 4-6  10
ATT 4: ATT&CK v9 Techniques for Tactics 7-9  10
ATT 5: ATT&CK v9 Techniques for Tactics 11, 10, and 40  10
ATT 6: ATT&CK v9 Groups  10
ATT 7: ATT&CK v9 Navigator  10 extra

Windows and Linux Machines

IR 100: Windows and Linux Machines20


IR 371: Velociraptor Server on Linux  20 + 5 extra
IR 372: Investigating a PUP with Velociraptor  25 + 15 extra
IR 373: Investigating a Bot with Velociraptor  50 extra
IR 374: Investigating a Two-Stage RAT with Velociraptor  35 extra
IR 370: Installing Velociraptor on Windows  30 extra


IR 350: Zeek Interactive Tutorial  15 + 44 extra
IR 351: Installing and Using Zeek  25 extra

Defending Windows

IR 301: Installing Splunk on a Windows Server  15 extra
IR 330: Detecting Ransomware with Splunk and Sysmon  20 extra
IR 303: Capturing RAM from a Process  15 extra
IR 304: VirusTotal & Wireshark  35 extra
IR 305: PacketTotal  45 extra
IR 306: Yara  40 extra
IR 307: Prefetch Forensics  15 extra

Defending Linux Servers

ED 200: Google Cloud Linux Server  15 extra
IR 201: Splunk & Suricata  45 extra
IR 202: Metasploit & Drupalgeddon  85 extra
IR 308: osquery  15 extra

Binary (Extra Credit)

H 101 - 104: Binary Games  40 extra


H 410: Nmap  40 extra
H 420: Wireshark  110 extra
H 430: Scapy  20 extra

Making Your Own Windows VM

    PMA 41: Windows 10 with Analysis Tools
20 extra
Not Recommended
    PMA 40: FLARE-VM
20 extra
Alternative Local System
    H 2: Windows 2016 Server Virtual Machine
15 extra
Best Cloud System
    PMA 60: Windows 10 on Azure Cloud
15 extra
Alternate Cloud System
    PMA 30: Windows 2016 Server on Google Cloud
15 extra

Virtual Machine Resources

Practical Malware Analysis Samples


VMware Player (for Windows hosts, free)
VMware Fusion (for Mac hosts, 30-day trial)
VirtualBox (free for all platforms)

Updated 6-18-24