Attack Techniques

Videos from TX WC, July 19, 2023


H 101-107: Binary Games  50
W 101: Linux command line  35
LJ: Linux Journey  83
B: Bandit Challenges  69
U-Cen and U-Cyb: PowerShell  75

Cloud and Local Servers

H 100: Kali Virtual Machine  10
ED 30: Linux Virtual Machine  15
H 201: Google Cloud Linux Server  10
PMA 60: Windows Cloud Server on Azure  15

Command Injection

ED 102: Command Injection  60
ED 103: SQLI Challenges  185
ED 104: CMD Injection  40


H 410: Nmap  40
H 420: Wireshark  110
H 430: Scapy  60

Advanced Command Injection

ED 105: Server Side Template Injection (SSTI)  35
W 401: Command Injection on Salt  30
ED 106: PHP-FPM Command Injection  15

Advanced Networking

H 130: sslh  10
H 131: Stealing an SSH Password with strace  10

Passwords & Cryptography

H 510: Reset Windows Password with an Install Disk  15
H 520: Hashcat  60
H 530: Blockchains  15
H 531: Hyperledger IROHA  15
H 532: Hacking PoWHCoin  15


H 310: Metasploit v. ActiveMQ  20
H 311: Adding a Custom Exploit to Metasploit  15
H 312: Writing a Custom Metasploit Module  25
H 320: Creating a Trojan with Metasploit  15

Advanced Networking with Python

VP 220: DNS  95
VP 230: Obfuscated HTTP  50

Burp, ZAP, & Postman

W 600: Burp & Web Security Academy (20 pts)  20
W 520: SAML  15
W 230: Manual Audit of Hackazon  20
W 530: Exploiting ECB Encryption  75
W 200: Google Cloud Linux Servers  15
ED 290: Desktop on a Cloud Linux Server  10
W 220: Zed Attack Proxy  20
W 300: Using an API with Postman  15
W 301: Using the Github API with Postman  10

Posted 6-18-23
ED 30 added 7-19-23