Violent Python
& Blockchains

Sam Bowne

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Violent Python Book

Workshop Description

Even if you have never programmed before, you can quickly and easily learn how to make custom hacking tools in Python. In hands-on projects, participants will create tools and hack into test systems, including:
  • Port scanning
  • Login brute-forcing
  • Port knocking
  • Cracking password hashes

What You Need

If you have a Mac or Linux machine, Python is already installed.

If you're using Windows, follow these steps to install Python:


Level I

CodeCademy Python Lessons (Optional)
Basic Port Scanning with Python

Level II

HTTP Scanning with Python: Mac Version
HTTP Scanning with Python: PC Version

Level III

Password Hashes with Python
XOR Encryption in Python
RSA With Very Small Keys
Cracking a Short RSA Key

Level IV

Online Blockchain Demo

A gentle introduction to blockchain technology

Multichain 1: Getting Started with Multichain
Multichain 2: Making a Blockchain Survey with Multichain

Ethereum 1: Making an Ethereum Contract
Ethereum 2: Making a Coin
Ethereum 3: Making an Auction

Other Projects


Proj Bitcoin 1: Setting up a Private Regtest Blockchain
Proj Bitcoin 2: Adding a Second Node to your Private Regtest Blockchain
Proj Bitcoin 3: Joining the Samcoin Blockchain

Password Hash Projects

Cracking Linux Password Hashes with Hashcat
Cracking Windows Password Hashes with Hashcat

Web Projects

Exploiting SQLi with Havij and Input Filtering
Hijacking HTTPS Sessions with SSLstrip
Reverse-Engineering an Authentication Cookie
Password Guessing Games
Password Brute Force Challenges


Cracking a Caesar Cipher with CrypTool 2

Cultural Enrichment

How to view someones IP address and connection speed with TRACER T! - YouTube
I Pwned Your Server - YouTube


Violent Python

Violent Python: Introduction and Motivation (pptx)

When Vulnerability Disclosure Gets Ugly

Data Breaches and Password Hashes (pptx)

Links for demonstrations

Security Problems at Colleges (pptx)


The lectures are in PowerPoint format.
If you do not have PowerPoint you can use Open Office.

Last Updated: 4-13-17 8:19 pm