Recommended Practice Sites

Spring 2018 - Sam Bowne

Recommended Practice Sites


General CTF Prep


Linux command-line

Infosec Institute

General CTF Prep

Bright Shadows

General CTF Prep

Pwnable KR

Binary Exploitation

We Chall

Many Types of Challenges

Pentester Lab

$20 per month

Exploit-Exercises: Nebula Challenges


Pentester Academy



CCDC 1: CCDC Team Preparation Guide -- GOALS FOR CLASS
CCDC 2: Preparing for the Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (CCDC): A Guide for New Teams and Recommendations for Experienced Players
CCDC 3: Web Application Defender's Cookbook: CCDC Blue Team Cheatsheet
CCDC 4: Tips - How-To Guide for the CCDC
CCDC 5: How to Win CCDC
CCDC 6: Raytheon Cyber: Bracketology: Breaking down the NCCDC championships
CCDC 7: How To Monitor System Authentication Logs on Ubuntu
CCDC 8: IP Tables State
CCDC 9: CentOS 5.9 Configuration Guide: First 15 Minutes

Net 1: Wireshark 101: Essential Skills for Network Analysis
Net 2: WCNA Certification
Net 3: laura chappell wireshark - YouTube
Net 4: Warriors of The Net
Net 5: Popular port numbers Flashcards
Net 6: WARRIORS OF THE NET [Full] - YouTube

Perimeter 1: Project - Snort
Perimeter 2: The Top 20 Free Network Monitoring and Analysis Tools for Sys Admins
Perimeter 3: Top FREE Network Monitoring Tools
Perimeter 4: 7 free tools every network needs
Perimeter 5: Phantom Cyber Network Monitoring

PHP 1: 25 PHP Security Best Practices For Sys Admins
PHP 2: PHP Security Cheat Sheet - OWASP

Windows 1: Free Intrusion Detection and Prevention software
Windows 2: Detecting Security Incidents Using Windows Workstation Event Logs
Windows 3: How to close TCP and UDP ports via windows command line
Windows 4: CurrPorts: Monitoring TCP/IP network connections on Windows
Windows 5: TCPView for Windows

OpenWrt 1: OpenWrt
OpenWrt 2: What Is OpenWrt And Why Should I Use It For My Router?
OpenWrt 3: Installing OpenWrt [OpenWrt Wiki]
OpenWrt 4: How to create Openwrt on VMWARE Workstation

PTES 1: Introduction to Penetration Testing -- Slides
PTES 2: The Penetration Testing Execution Standard
PTES 3: PTES Technical Guidelines - The Penetration Testing Execution Standard

Windows Internals 1: Book (PDF)
Windows Internals 2: Tricks in Assembly Language (pdf)

PAN 1: PAN-OS Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference Guide
PAN 2: PAN-OS 7.0 CLI Quick Start
PAN 3: CLI Cheat Sheets
PAN 4: Use the Command Line Interface (CLI)
PAN 5: Importing an OVA file into VMware Fusion
PAN 6: Configure Interfaces and Zones
PAN 7: How to Change the Management IP Address via the Console
PAN 8: CLI Commands for Troubleshooting Palo Alto Firewalls


Arizona Cyber Warfare Range -- USE FOR PROJECTS
CPTC: Collegiate Pentesting Championship
Path to OSCP -- Many resources
CCSF-Hacking - Google Groups

Miscellaneous Links

osx - Is there a quick and easy way to dump the contents of a MacOS X keychain?
Nagios - Network, Server and Log Monitoring Software
Vulnerable By Design ~ VulnHub -- GOOD CTF PRACTICE
Network Security Toolkit (NST 24) -- USEFUL FOR A PROJECT
Skynet Solutions : EasyIDS -- POSSIBLE PROJECT
UNIX / Linux Tutorial for Beginners
Penetration Testing Tools Cheat Sheet
Datanyze -- Fingerprints technologies
Cheat Engine--Modify Windows Games
Windows Internals 3: Process Explorer
Windows Internals 4: PsGetSid
Windows Internals 5: Original PPT slides from Solomon, 2007
Windows Internals 6: PsExec
How to Update Ubuntu Kernel: 7 Steps (with Pictures)
Protecting SSH with Fail2Ban
Reversing Firmware Part 1
Rekall Memory Forensic Framework
SANS Rekall Cheat Sheet
SANS Digital Forensics Cheat Sheets
2014 rekall workshop Slides
GitHub google/rekall: Rekall Memory Forensic Framework
12 units is full-time at CCSF
2015-2016 WRCCDC Guides - Xploit Cybersecurity Club
Palo Alto Firewall Free 15-day Trial on AWS
Linux: Where can I get the repositories for old Ubuntu versions? - Super User
CCDC Eligibility for our CCSF team
How to Create an Application Override for FTP - Live Community
How To Configure BIND as a Private Network DNS Server on Ubuntu 14.04 | DigitalOcean
How secure is authentication in mysql protocol?
CCDC Lessons Learned
Why is sudo not installed by default in Debian?
Information Security Talent Search (ISTS) competition
Prep Guide for Offsec's PWK/OSCP - Cybrary
CyberPatriot Training Modules
Discord - Free Voice and Text Chat for Gamers -- RECOMMENDED FOR COMPETITIONS
facebook/fbctf: Platform to host Capture the Flag competitions
CyberPatriot: Build Your Own Practice Images
CyberPatriot Windows 7 VM Sam 1
CyberPatriot Images
CyberPatriot: Linux Scoring Engine Instructions
Students Are the Newest U.S. Weapon Against Terrorist Recruitment -- POSSIBLE PROJECT
2017-08-05: (108) Western Regional Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition -- Signups will open in Sept
Resources: Week 7 - Cybersecurity University | CodePath Courses
Bootcamp Structure - Cybersecurity University | CodePath Courses
Collegiate Penetration Testing Competition Information - Central Region
Making a Windows 2008 Domain Controller
How to Pivot from the Victim System to Own Every Computer on the Network � Null Byte :: WonderHowTo
Pivoting guide with Metasploit
5 Ways to Find Systems Running Domain Admin Processes
Nessus and Metasploit: Scan networks in pivoting
How To Monitor System Authentication Logs on Ubuntu
Practice CTF List (SSL Error)
INFOSEC INSTITUTE CTF - capture the flag hacking exercises
Intrusion Prevention - UntangleWiki
How To Verify File Integrity in Windows with FCIV
13 More Hacking Sites to (Legally) Practice Your InfoSec Skills
EasyCTF IV Writeups -- Good explanation of "Special Endings"
How to win a cyber security competition
Using XMLDecoder to execute server-side Java Code on an Restlet application (i.e. Remote Command Execution)
Serialization Must Die: Act 2: XStream (Jenkins CVE-2016-0792)
IppSec -- YouTube Training
Python Luhn checksum for credit card validation
Tools used for solving and cracking CTF challenges--USEFUL
Prep for OSCP-- self-paced course and hands-on lab access package for only $50
National Cyber League | Fall Season
Pentesting Notes -- USEFUL FOR CTF's and Competitions
Vulnerable By Design ~ VulnHub

New Unsorted Links

Privilege Escalation & Post-Exploitation Resources -- VERY USEFUL
Passing OSCP
A Red Teamer's guide to pivoting
How to Pivot from the Victim System to Own Every Computer on the Network
Protecting a Server with iptables and iptstate
ccdc/linux at master � traviskp/ccdc

Last Updated: 5-22-18