General CTF Prep
Linux command-line
Binary Exploitation
Many Types of Challenges
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Net 1: Wireshark 101: Essential Skills for Network Analysis Net 2: WCNA Certification Net 3: laura chappell wireshark - YouTube Net 4: Warriors of The Net Net 5: Popular port numbers Flashcards Net 6: WARRIORS OF THE NET [Full] - YouTube
Perimeter 1: Project - Snort Perimeter 2: The Top 20 Free Network Monitoring and Analysis Tools for Sys Admins Perimeter 3: Top FREE Network Monitoring Tools Perimeter 4: 7 free tools every network needs Perimeter 5: Phantom Cyber Network Monitoring
PHP 1: 25 PHP Security Best Practices For Sys Admins PHP 2: PHP Security Cheat Sheet - OWASP
Windows 1: Free Intrusion Detection and Prevention software Windows 2: Detecting Security Incidents Using Windows Workstation Event Logs Windows 3: How to close TCP and UDP ports via windows command line Windows 4: CurrPorts: Monitoring TCP/IP network connections on Windows Windows 5: TCPView for Windows
OpenWrt 1: OpenWrt OpenWrt 2: What Is OpenWrt And Why Should I Use It For My Router? OpenWrt 3: Installing OpenWrt [OpenWrt Wiki] OpenWrt 4: How to create Openwrt on VMWARE Workstation
PTES 1: Introduction to Penetration Testing -- Slides PTES 2: The Penetration Testing Execution Standard PTES 3: PTES Technical Guidelines - The Penetration Testing Execution Standard
Windows Internals 1: Book (PDF) Windows Internals 2: Tricks in Assembly Language (pdf)
PAN 1: PAN-OS Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference Guide PAN 2: PAN-OS 7.0 CLI Quick Start PAN 3: CLI Cheat Sheets PAN 4: Use the Command Line Interface (CLI) PAN 5: Importing an OVA file into VMware Fusion PAN 6: Configure Interfaces and Zones PAN 7: How to Change the Management IP Address via the Console PAN 8: CLI Commands for Troubleshooting Palo Alto Firewalls