If you are working in the S214 lab, or using a virtual machine you don't care about, that's OK, but if you want to protect your machine you should change your login password before starting SSH.
In a Terminal window, execute this command:
nano /etc/apt/sources.list
If you see more than two lines of text,
as shown below, your repositories are
Press Ctrl+K repeatedly to delete all the lines in the file.
Then paste in the lines below:
deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main contrib non-free
deb-src http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main contrib non-free
Press Ctrl+X, Y, Enter to save the file.
sudo apt-get update
Enter your password if you are
prompted to.
In a Terminal window, execute this command:
sudo apt-get install openssh-server -y
If a message
about cryptographic algorithms,
as shown below,
press Q to close the message.
In a Terminal window, execute these commands:
sudo service ssh start
sudo netstat -pant
You should see a ssh listening on port
22, as shown below. Your Linux machine
is now an SSH server.
Note: This SSH server won't automatically start when the server reboots. That's OK for this project, but for a real server you need to configure automatic starting. To do that, see the "Sources" at the bottom of this project.
Find the IP address
of the interface that goes to the
Internet, which is usually eth0,
as shown below.
The next step is different for Windows than for Mac or Linux clients. Use the appropriate instructions.
You should see replies,
as shown below.
If you don't, you need to troubleshoot your networking before proceeding.
Press Ctrl+C to stop the pings.
In a Terminal window, execute this command, replacing the IP address with the IP address of your Linux SSH server.
ssh root@
A question appears, asking
"Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?".
Enter yes.
When it asks for a password, enter A.
It rejects the password. Enter B.
It rejects the password. Enter C.
It disconnects you. Execute this command again:
ssh root@
When it asks for a password, enter
It rejects the password. Enter E.
It rejects the password. Enter F.
As you can see, there is nothing stopping you from entering as many password guesses as you like.
You should see replies,
as shown below.
If you don't, you need to troubleshoot your networking before proceeding.
On your Windows machine, in a Web browser, go to
Download the MSI installer, as shown below.
Double-click the installer file and install the software.
On your Windows desktop, double-click the PuTTY icon.
In the Host Name field, enter your SSH Server's IP address, as shown below.
Click the Open button.
A "PuTTY Security Alert" box pops up, as shown below. Click Yes.
A PuTTY window appears. At the "login as:" prompt, enter
When it asks for a password, enter these guesses:
There is nothing stopping you from entering as many password guesses as you like. When that box pops up, you can just connect again for another six guesses.
sudp apt update
sudo apt install fail2ban -y
If an
esoteric message, appears,
as shown below, press Q
to close it.
If a "Package configuration" box appears, as shown below. Press the Tab key to highlight Yes and then press the SPACEBAR.
sudo service fail2ban start
After a few incorrect guesses, it refuses to connect, as shown below.
sudo iptables -L
You see "REJECT all" rule,
as shown below.
Click the host computer's desktop. Press Shift+PrntScrn key to capture the entire desktop. If you are using a Mac, press Shift+Cmd+3
Save this image with the filename "Proj 6x from YOUR NAME"
Posted 10-20-16
Updated for dynamically-created iptables rules 5-3-2020
Sam Bowne