CNIT 10: Careers in Computer Networking

Spring 2012 Sam Bowne

Schedule · Speakers · Policy · Links · Home Page


Tue 6-9, SCIE 5 (meets on 1-24, 2-7, 2-21, 3-13, 4-3, 4-24)

Students in CNIT or considering a career in CNIT are strongly encouraged to take this class. This is your chance to learn what networking professionals really do, how they succeeded, and what they learned.

This is a seminar course. Visiting speakers who are working in Computer Networking will talk about their careers, skills, training, and opportunities in the field. They will also answer student questions. Grading will be based on attendance and written reflections on the talks.

Catalog Description

Introduction to new technologies and employment opportunities in computer networking and information technology. Guest speakers currently working in the field describe the goals, working conditions, pay levels, and training required to succeed in the field today.

No prerequisites or advisories.

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Demonstrate an introductory knowledge of the principles of computer networking, network administration, and security
  2. Describe modern jobs in computer networking and information technology
  3. Identify areas of greatest importance in the current information technology business environment
  4. Apply and assess knowledge of the information technology industry in making educational and career choices


Tues, Jan. 24 First class meeting: Orientation &
Lee Eddy
Tues, Feb 7 Tim Ryan
Technical Operations Manager, CCSF
PPT slides
Tues, Feb 21 John Sasser
Director of Engineering, Blackboard Mobile
Tue, Mar 13 FBI Agent
Tues, Apr 3 Mahmood Mir
Manager eDiscovery - SFL Data
Tues, Apr 24 CANCELLED

Other recommended events for extra credit



Social networking--I found my job on Twitter
Dilbert 11-18-07 explaining an engineering career
Top 10 Career Advice Tips for IT and InfoSec Students
Information Security Careers Cheatsheet -- Developing Superior Technology Leaders
The Security Recruiter Directory
MongoDB - noSQL Database - recommended topic
JIRA - Issue Tracking - recommended topic
Git - Fast Version Control System - recommended topic
logstash - open source log management - recommended topic - USA Silicon Valley Bay Area Technology Business Events Calendar
iTunes U - Learn anything, anywhere, anytime.
Learn to code Codecademy
HireArt Is Better than a Resume
Brett Hardin's Presentations
Glassdoor -- an inside look at jobs & companies
Job Search one search. all jobs.
NSA Best Practices to Keep Your Home Network Secure
SamaUSA -- train to become an independent IT contractor in San Francisco
Glassdoor -- Get Hired. Love Your Job.
Job Search one search. all jobs.
Career advice for CCSF students - From Matt Linton (from NASA and Google) 2018-10-16: Releases � PowerShell/Win32-OpenSSH � GitHub
2018-10-16: Releases � PowerShell/Win32-OpenSSH � GitHub
2020-02-12: %u200ECYBER on Apple Podcasts
Code Red Snort
Code Red Snort PPT
Code Red Snort PPTX
Snort v LOIC
Snort v LOIC 2


Last Updated: 4-24-12 10:42 am