M 711: Insecure Local Storage by iPhone Apps (15 pts extra)

What You Need


To view iPhone local storage and find passwords there.

Responsible Disclosure

I notified all the companies about this on or before Jan 12, 2020, as linked below each image, and they did nothing.

Installing an Unsafe App

Install one of these apps (clicking the image goes to the Apple Store page for the app)







Creating an Account

Using your phone, create an account with an insecure app. Use a password with an unusual series of characters, such as ssw6

(For West Village Cafe, just attempt a login with your special password.)

Viewing the iPhone Local Storage

Connect to your jailbroken iPhone with SSH, as you did in project ED 420.

Execute this command, replacing ssw6 with your special password.

grep ssw6 -r /private/var/mobile/Containers/Application
The password is found, as shown below.

Flag M 711.1: Stored Password Location (15 pts)

The flag is covered by a green rectangle in the image below.

Posted 2-12-2020