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Infosec Decoded Season 3 #100: Space Lasers

With Doug Spindler, @kaitlynguru@infosec.exchange, and @sambowne@infosec.exchange

Tue, Dec 19, 2023

Kaitlyn Handelman

The rings of Uranus look positively festive in epic James Webb Space Telescope holiday photo

NASA laser message beams video of a cat named Taters back to Earth, and it’s a big deal

Amazon’s Project Kuiper successfully tests satellite space lasers

Doug Spindler

Nikola founder Trevor Milton sentenced to four years in prison in EV truck fraud case

Sam Bowne

Apple's latest iOS 17.3 beta offers a major iPhone security feature you should enable ASAP

Bitcoin in danger as we are ‘one chess move away’ from ‘big problems’

SEC disclosure rule for ‘material’ cybersecurity incidents goes into effect