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Infosec Decoded Season 2 #99: Trash Fire

With With @kaitlynguru@infosec.exchange and @sambowne@infosec.exchange

Dec 16, 2022

Sam Bowne @sambowne

TikTok is a National Security Risk, Not A Privacy One

Trashed lithium-ion batteries caused three garbage truck fires in California

Microsoft identified unpatched, high-severity vulnerabilities in 75% of the most common industrial controllers

Kaitlyn Handelman @KaitlynGuru

Twitter Suspends Accounts For Rival Mastodon And Several High-Profile Journalists
Twitter is blocking links to Mastodon
Twitter Suspends Account Encouraging People to Join Mastodon

Ground-based alternative to GPS achieves 10 cm accuracy

Apple to Allow Third-Party App Stores on iOS