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Infosec Decoded Season 4 #66: Delete Me

With @kaitlynguru@infosec.exchange, @Infosecirvin@defcon.social, and @sambowne@infosec.exchange

Recorded Fri, Aug 23, 2024

Kaitlyn Handelman

Microsoft finally officially confirms it's killing Windows Control Panel sometime soon

Man sentenced for hacking state registry to fake his own death

Against all odds, an asteroid mining company appears to be making headway

Sam Bowne

New NGate Android malware uses NFC chip to steal credit card data

China-Nexus Threat Group ‘Velvet Ant’ Leverages a Zero-Day to Deploy Malware on Cisco Nexus Switches

Inside the "3 Billion People" National Public Data Breach--DeleteMe Actually Works!

Irvin Lemus @Infosecirvin@defcon.social

Apple’s ‘Find My’ could be the next trendy social app

Chick-fil-A is reportedly launching a streaming service for some reason

Google DeepMind staff call for end to military contracts