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Infosec Decoded Season 4 #45: Robocars as Weapons

With Doug Spindler and @sambowne@infosec.exchange

Tue, June 4, 2024

Doug Spindler

Fontana pays nearly $900,000 for ‘psychological torture’ inflicted by police to get false confession

Ticketmaster confirms massive breach after stolen data for sale online

Did you own an iPhone 7? Owners may be owed money. Here's how to submit settlement claim

Sam Bowne

US standards agency reports back on just how good age verification software is

Researchers crash Baidu robo-cars with tinfoil and paint daubed on cardboard
Broadcom’s VMware strategy looks ever more shaky - and less relevant

Crooks threaten to leak 3B personal records 'stolen from background check firm'
361 million stolen accounts leaked on Telegram added to HIBP

How the DOJ is using a Civil War-era law to enforce corporate cybersecurity
In March 2022, Florida-based Comprehensive Health Services LLC paid $930,000 to settle allegations that it misrepresented how safely it stored medical records in a system that it built for the State Department and the U.S. Air Force. In July 2022, California-based Aerojet Rocketdyne Inc. paid $9 million to settle allegations that it misrepresented its compliance with cybersecurity requirements in contracts for propulsion and power systems for satellites, missiles and other critical technology.

Male birth control gel is safe and effective, new trial findings show
Thousands of cancer patients to trial personalised vaccines
The intention is that the vaccine will prime his immune system to seek out and destroy any remaining traces of cancer, and so improve the chances of him being cancer free in years to come.