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Infosec Decoded Season 4 #12: Who Needs Phone Numbers?

With Doug Spindler and @sambowne@infosec.exchange

Fri, Feb 9, 2024

Doug Spindler

Deepfake scammer walks off with $25 million in first-of-its-kind AI heist

Apple Store Heist video / Emeryville

Sam Bowne

How secure is your security camera? Hackers can spy on cameras through walls, new research finds

Elon Musk’s Important X Announcement Wows Crypto Community
Musk intends to discontinue using his phone number and switch solely to using the X app for text messages and audio/video calls

The Ridiculously Easy Way To Remove ChatGPT’s Image Watermarks

What is AI tokenization?
MambaByte: Token-free Selective State Space Model

Piloting new ways of protecting Android users from financial fraud
We recently launched enhanced Google Play Protect real-time scanning to help better protect users against novel malicious Internet-sideloaded apps.
"This enhancement will inspect the permissions the app declared in real-time and specifically look for four runtime permission requests: RECEIVE_SMS, READ_SMS, BIND_Notifications, and Accessibility. These permissions are frequently abused by fraudsters to intercept one-time passwords via SMS or notifications, as well as spy on screen content."

H1 2024 Google Threat Horizons Report
Credential abuse resulting in cryptomining remains a persistent issue, with threat actors continuing to exploit weak or nonexistent passwords to gain unauthorized access to cloud instances,