CloudFlare BGP Flapping 3-3-13

I first noticed CloudFlare's outage at about 1 AM Pacific Time. I tested a few things, and Tweeted about it at 1:06:

The CloudFlare BGP Flapping started at 2013-03-03 09:42 GMT = 1:42 AM Pacific Time

And ended at 2013-03-03 11:30 GMT = 3:30 AM Pacific Time

Here's a movie of some of the BGP updates during the outage (click to play, or download from the links below):


Direct links to download various versions:

CloudflareBGP030313 - Cellular.m4v (3 MB)

CloudflareBGP030313 - Broadband.m4v (22 MB)

CloudflareBGP030313 - Wi-Fi.m4v (5 MB)