Project Win-2 IPv6 Ping Scan with Windows (10 pts.)

What You Need

Installing Wireshark

If your Windows machine doesn't have Wireshark installed, open a Web browser, go to, download it, and install it.

Start Wireshark

On the Windows computer, start Wireshark. Click Capture, Interfaces and start a capture on the interface that goes to your LAN.

In the Filter box, enter a filter string of icmpv6 and click the Apply button. This will filter out unnecessary traffic.

Starting the Other Device

Start the other device and connect it to the LAN. I used a BackTrack 4 R2 virtual machine. Find this machine's IPv6 address.

Testing Connectivity

On the Windows machine, open a Command Prompt window and ping the other device. You should get replies, as shown below. If you do not, you need to correct your network problems before proceeding.

Wireshark should show the ping requests and replies, as shown below on this page:

Identifying the Interface ID

On the Windows machine, in the Command Prompt window, execute this command:
Find the interface that goes to your LAN and look at the right end of its IPv6 address--there is a percent sign followed by a number. That number is the interface id. In the figure below on this page, the interface id is 11.

Pinging the All Nodes Multicast Address

On the Windows machine, in the Command Prompt window, execute this command. Replace the 11 with the correct interface id for your system:
ping -6 ff02::1%11
Wireshark should show replies from the other device on your LAN, as shown below on this page. Every other device on the LAN replies, and the source addresses identify them.

Capturing the Screen Image

Make sure you see a ping request going to ff02::1 and at least one reply.

Save a screen shot of this image with the filename

Proj Win-2 from Your Name

Email the image to with a subject line of

Proj Win-2 from Your Name


If you use BackTrack 4 R2 in a virtual machine and the IPv6 interface stops responding to pings, open Wireshark in Backtrack and start a live capture. That seems to make the interface work a lot better.

Last modified 4-10-2011 1 pm