Project V2: Vyatta SIT Tunnel Point-to-Point (10 pts.)

What You Need


You will have two Vyatta virtual routers, connected with an IPv4-only connection, as shown below.

(The connection to the Mac OS X host is optional.)

By configuring tunnel interfaces "tun0" on the routers, you will be able to send IPv6 packets through the IPv4-only connection.

SIT stands for Simple Internet Transition, also known as 6in4. As you will see, it is very easy to set up.

Preparing a Vyatta Virtual Router

You may already have a Vyatta virtual machine from an earlier project. If you didn't do that one, here are the steps to install a Vyatta virtual router.

Getting the Vyatta Software

In a Web browser, go to

Download the VC6.4 - Virtualization iso (Size: 206MB)

Creating the Virtual Machine

Use VMware Player, or whatever virtualization software you have.

Create a new VM, of type "Ubuntu Linux" with the default RAM and hard disk size.

Connect the VM's virtual CD to the Vyatta ISO file you downloaded.

Set the VM to connect to the Internet in a way that provides DHCP service, such as NAT.

Start the new VM.

Log in as vyatta with password vyatta

Installing Vyatta on the Virtual Hard Drive

Right now Vyatta is running as a LiveCD, which means all configuration changes you make will be lost after a reboot.

To install Vyatta on the virtual machine's hard drive, execute this command:

install system
At the "Would you like to continue? (Yes/No) [Yes]: " prompt, press Enter

At the "Partition (Auto/Union/PartEd/Skip) [Auto]: " prompt, press Enter

At the "Install the image on? [sda]: " prompt, press Enter

At the "Continue? (Yes/No) [No]: " prompt, type Yes and press Enter

At the "How big of a root partition should I create?" prompt, press Enter to accept the default size.

At the "Which one should I copy to sda?" prompt, press Enter to accept the default choice.

At the "Enter password for the administrator account" prompt, type vyatta and press Enter

At the "Retype vyatta password:" prompt, type vyatta and press Enter

At the "Which drive should GRUB modify the boot partition on?" prompt, press Enter to accept the default choice.

When you see the "Done!" message, execute this command to power your Vyatta virtual machine down:


At the "Proceed with poweroff? (Yes/No) [No]" prompt, type Yes and press Enter

When the virtual machine powers off, enter the VM Settings and disconnect the ISO image from your Vyatta virtual machine.

Copying the Vyatta VM

You need two Vyatta routers for this project.

Find the folder containing your Vyatta Virtual Machine and copy the whole folder.

Booting the Vyatta VMs

Start the original Vyatta VM in Vmware. It should go through the usual Linux boot process.

Log in with the username vyatta and the password vyatta

Start the copied Vyatta VM. When VMware asks you if you moved it or copied it, click "I Copied It".

Log in with the username vyatta and the password vyatta

Configuring Router V1

Choose one Vyatta router to be router V1.

Configure it with these commands:

IPv4 Configuration


set interfaces ethernet eth0 address




IPv6 Configuration


set interfaces tunnel tun0 encapsulation sit

set interfaces tunnel tun0 local-ip

set interfaces tunnel tun0 remote-ip

set interfaces tunnel tun0 address 2001:db8:2::1/64




Configuring Router V2

The other Vyatta router is router V2.

Configure it with these commands:

IPv4 Configuration


set interfaces ethernet eth0 address




IPv6 Configuration


set interfaces tunnel tun0 encapsulation sit

set interfaces tunnel tun0 local-ip

set interfaces tunnel tun0 remote-ip

set interfaces tunnel tun0 address 2001:db8:2::2/64




Testing the IPv6 Connection

On router V1, execute these commands:

ping6 -c 2 2001:db8:2::1

ping6 -c 2 2001:db8:2::2

Both commands should show replies, as shown below:

If you don't see replies, try setting both virtual adapters to NAT mode.

Saving the Screen Image

Make sure you see replies to both pings, as shown in the image above on this page.

Save a screen image with the filename Proj V2 from Your Name.

Optional: Tunneling from Vyatta to Mac OS X (10 more points)

I did this on a Mac, which was the host for my Vyatta virtual machines.

If you want to tunnel to Windows 7, see the "Tunneling from Vyatta to Windows 7" section below.

Turning Off the Firewall on Mac OS X

On the host Mac OS X, in a Terminal window, execute this command:
ping6 ::1
You don't get any replies, as shown below:

The Mac OS X firewall is stopping the pings, which use ICMPv6 types 128 and 129.

Turning off the firewall will let them through. This is, of course, not a security best practice. It would be better to specifically allow ICMPv6 types 128 and 129 through the firewall, but that is difficult to do because the Mac OS X firewall is broken, as explained here:;ItemID=138

I tried the fix in that article but I was still unable to get replies to pings from the localhost.

So I just turned the firewall off, with these steps:

Open "System Preferences, click "Security & Privacy", Click the Firewall tab. Unlock the panel and turn off the firewall.

On the host Mac OS X, in a Terminal window, execute this command:

ping6 ::1
Now you get replies, as shown below:

Finding the Vyatta Interface

On the host Mac OS X, in a Terminal window, execute this command:
You should see two VMware virtual interfaces, vmnet1 and vmnet8, as shown below. (I added another one named vmnet5 for other purposes, you don't need that one.)

Interface vmnet8 is used for NAT mode, and goes to the Vyatta interfaces. To send IPv4 traffic to virtual router V1, you need to add an IPv4 address in the subnet to vmnet8.

On the host Mac OS X, in a Terminal window, execute these commands:

sudo ifconfig vmnet8 add

ifconfig vmnet8
Now vmnet8 has an additional address of, as shown below:

Configuring a SIT Tunnel from the Mac to the Vyatta

On the host Mac OS X, in a Terminal window, execute these commands:
sudo ifconfig gif0 destroy

sudo ifconfig gif0 create

sudo ifconfig gif0 tunnel

sudo ifconfig gif0 inet6 alias 2001:db8:3::3 2001:db8:3::1 prefixlen 128

ifconfig gif0
Now there is a virtual adapter named gif0 and it shows these two connections:
inet -->
inet6 2001:db8:3::3 --> 2001:db8:3::1
as shown below:

Configuring Router V1 to Tunnel to the Mac OS X Host

On virtual router V1, execute these commands:

set interfaces ethernet eth0 address

set interfaces tunnel tun1 encapsulation sit

set interfaces tunnel tun1 local-ip

set interfaces tunnel tun1 remote-ip

set interfaces tunnel tun1 address 2001:db8:3::1/64




Testing the Tunnel from Router V1

On virtual router V1, execute these commands:
ping6 -c 2 2001:db8:3::1

ping6 -c 2 2001:db8:3::3
You should get replies both times, as shown below:

Viewing the Traffic with Wireshark

I captured the traffic this way:

On virtual router V1,

sudo tcpdump -i eth2 -c 4 -w pv2.pcap
I then used sftp to send the pcap file to a server.

You can download my pcap file here if you want it:


Opening that pcap file in Wireshark shows 6in4 packets. Look at the middle pane here--the protocols are


Drawing these in the usual order shows that we are violating the OSI model:

----------------  --------
7. Application    ICMPv6

6. Presentation

5. Session

4. Transport

3. Network        IPv6

4. Transport      Protocol 41

3. Network        IPv4

2. Data Link      Ethernet

1. Physical
----------------  --------
Expanding the IPv4 section shows that the "Protocol" field in the IPv4 header is 41; the protocol for IPv6-in-IPv4.

As you can see at this link, IANA has reserved protocol number 6 for TCP, 17 for UDP, and 41 for IPv6 Encapsulation.

This is a problem for most home routers, because they only allow TCP and UDP and ICMP traffic--they fail to forward Protocol 41 traffic.

Optional: Tunneling from Vyatta to Windows 7 (10 more points)

Configuring a SIT Tunnel from Windows 7 to the Vyatta

On the Windows 7 machine, in an Administrator Command Prompt window, execute these commands:
netsh interface ipv4 add address "Local Area Connection"

netsh interface ipv6 add v6v4tunnel interface=IP6Tunnel

netsh interface ipv6 add address IP6Tunnel 2001:db8:4::4/64

Now "Local Area Connection" has the address, and the IP6Tunnel interface has the 2001:db8:4::4 address, as shown below:

Configuring Router V1 to Tunnel to the Windows 7 Host

On virtual router V1, execute these commands:

set interfaces ethernet eth0 address

set interfaces tunnel tun2 encapsulation sit

set interfaces tunnel tun2 local-ip

set interfaces tunnel tun2 remote-ip

set interfaces tunnel tun2 address 2001:db8:4::1/64




Testing the Tunnel from Router V1

On virtual router V1, execute these commands:
ping6 -c 2 2001:db8:4::1

ping6 -c 2 2001:db8:4::4
You should get replies both times, as shown below:

Turning in Your Project

Email the image(s) to with a Subject line of Proj V2 from Your Name.


Last modified 11 am 9-28-2012