World IPV6 Day

World IPV6 day is on June 8, 2011. This is an Internet Society event to promote IPv6--more details here:

I will be setting up IPv6 reverse proxies soon which can deliver an existing IPv4 website over IPv6, without making any change to the existing system. The only change required is to add a AAAA record to your DNS server. And the only risk is that 0.15% of users, running old Mac systems, may be unable to reach your website on that day.

I could set up the reverse proxy here in San Francisco and get the content from your IPv4 network remotely--that would work.

Are you interested in participating? It would be something to brag about, joining Google, Facebok, Akamai, and other important companies helping to improve the Internet.

If you are interested, contact me at or Twitter @sambowne. All I need right now is your URL.


Sam Bowne