ML 126: Building RAGs (15 pts)

What You Need


To practice making a Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) Large Language Model. This is a use case in great demand right now, because it's the simplest way to incorporate specialized data into an LLM. The other method is to fine-tune the model, training it on the specialized data, which is more expensive and not usually the best solution.

The most famous RAG is Microsoft Copilot. As shown below, a system called Microsoft Graph finds relevant data from a user's files, emails, and documents, and includes that data as context for queries processed at a cloud-based LLM.

Writing RAG #1

First we'll make a very simple RAG that recommends leisure activities from a short list of options.

In a Terminal window, execute this command:

Paste in this code, as shown below.
corpus_of_documents = [
    "Take a leisurely walk in the park and enjoy the fresh air.",
    "Visit a local museum and discover something new.",
    "Attend a live music concert and feel the rhythm.",
    "Go for a hike and admire the natural scenery.",
    "Have a picnic with friends and share some laughs.",
    "Explore a new cuisine by dining at an ethnic restaurant.",
    "Take a yoga class and stretch your body and mind.",
    "Join a local sports league and enjoy some friendly competition.",
    "Attend a workshop or lecture on a topic you're interested in.",
    "Visit an amusement park and ride the roller coasters."

def jaccard_similarity(query, document):
    query = query.lower().split(" ")
    document = document.lower().split(" ")
    intersection = set(query).intersection(set(document))
    union = set(query).union(set(document))
    return len(intersection)/len(union)

def return_response(query, corpus):
    similarities = []
    for doc in corpus:
        similarity = jaccard_similarity(user_input, doc)
    return corpus_of_documents[similarities.index(max(similarities))]

user_input = input("What is a leisure activity that you like? ")

print(return_response(user_input, corpus_of_documents))
Save the file with Ctrl+X, Y, Enter.

Running RAG #1

In a Terminal window, execute this command:
It asks you for an activity. Enter:
I like to hike
The RAG finds the line from the corpus that most closely matches the input, as shown below.

This RAG uses the Jaccard similarity between the input and the corpus: it just counts matching words.

Run the program again and enter this input:

I don't like to hike
The RAG gives you the same response, because it ignores the word "don't", as shown in the image above.

To make a better RAG, we'll add an LLM to it.

Checking the API

In a Terminal window, execute this command:
netstat -an | grep LISTEN
You see a process listening on port 11434, as shown below.

If you don't see it, execute this command to start Ollama:

ollama serve

Writing RAG #2

In a Terminal window, execute this command:
Paste in this code, as shown below.
import requests
import json

corpus_of_documents = [
    "Take a leisurely walk in the park and enjoy the fresh air.",
    "Visit a local museum and discover something new.",
    "Attend a live music concert and feel the rhythm.",
    "Go for a hike and admire the natural scenery.",
    "Have a picnic with friends and share some laughs.",
    "Explore a new cuisine by dining at an ethnic restaurant.",
    "Take a yoga class and stretch your body and mind.",
    "Join a local sports league and enjoy some friendly competition.",
    "Attend a workshop or lecture on a topic you're interested in.",
    "Visit an amusement park and ride the roller coasters."

def jaccard_similarity(query, document):
    query = query.lower().split(" ")
    document = document.lower().split(" ")
    intersection = set(query).intersection(set(document))
    union = set(query).union(set(document))
    return len(intersection)/len(union)

def return_response(query, corpus):
    similarities = []
    for doc in corpus:
        similarity = jaccard_similarity(user_input, doc)
    return corpus_of_documents[similarities.index(max(similarities))]

print("------------ INPUT:")
user_input = input("What is a leisure activity that you like? ")

relevant_document = return_response(user_input, corpus_of_documents)
full_response = []
prompt = """
You are a bot that makes recommendations for activities. You answer in very short sentences and do not include extra information.
This is the recommended activity: {relevant_document}
The user input is: {user_input}
Compile a recommendation to the user based on the recommended activity and the user input.

print("------------ PROMPT:")
print(prompt.format(user_input=user_input, relevant_document=relevant_document))

url = 'http://localhost:11434/api/generate'
data = {
    "model": "llama2",
    "prompt": prompt.format(user_input=user_input, relevant_document=relevant_document)
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
response =, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers, stream=True)
    count = 0
    for line in response.iter_lines():
        # filter out keep-alive new lines
        # count += 1
        # if count % 5== 0:
        #     print(decoded_line['response']) # print every fifth token
        if line:
            decoded_line = json.loads(line.decode('utf-8'))
print("------------ RESPONSE:")
print("Flag: ", len(corpus_of_documents[0]) * len(corpus_of_documents[1]))
Save the file with Ctrl+X, Y, Enter.

Running RAG #2

In a Terminal window, execute this command:
Enter the same two inputs as before.

The responses are much better, as shown below.

Notice that the recommended activity was the same for both questions, but the LLM was able to detect the word "don't" and adjust the output correctly.

ML 126.1: RAG #2 (10 pts)

The flag is covered by a green rectangle in the image below.

Writing RAG #3

Let's make a RAG that performs a more serious task: offering expert security advice for companies implementing AI systems.

First we'll get the corpus of documents.

In a Terminal window, execute these commands:

mv NIST_AI.txt
This file contains a list of AI security risks from a NIST document, as shown below.

Writing the RAG #3 Script

In a Terminal window, execute this command:
Paste in this code, as shown below.

Notice that the prompt prefix has been changed to reflect the situation.


import requests
import json

corpus_of_documents = NIST_AI_RISKS()

def jaccard_similarity(query, document):
    query = query.lower().split(" ")
    document = document.lower().split(" ")
    intersection = set(query).intersection(set(document))
    union = set(query).union(set(document))
    return len(intersection)/len(union)

def return_response(query, corpus):
    similarities = []
    for doc in corpus:
        similarity = jaccard_similarity(user_input, doc)
    return corpus_of_documents[similarities.index(max(similarities))]

print("------------ INPUT:")
user_input = input("What AI risk are you interested in? ")

relevant_document = return_response(user_input, corpus_of_documents)
full_response = []
prompt = """
You are a security expert working for the government.  Give an accurate answer, containing the most important information in only one or two sentences.  
Base your answer on this context: {relevant_document}
The user input is: {user_input}
Give a brief security recommendation to the user based on the context and the user input.

print("------------ PROMPT:")
print(prompt.format(user_input=user_input, relevant_document=relevant_document))

url = 'http://localhost:11434/api/generate'
data = {
    "model": "llama2",
    "prompt": prompt.format(user_input=user_input, relevant_document=relevant_document)
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
response =, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers, stream=True)
    count = 0
    for line in response.iter_lines():
        # filter out keep-alive new lines
        # count += 1
        # if count % 5== 0:
        #     print(decoded_line['response']) # print every fifth token
        if line:
            decoded_line = json.loads(line.decode('utf-8'))
print("------------ RESPONSE:")
print("Flag: ", len(corpus_of_documents[0]) * len(corpus_of_documents[1]))
Save the file with Ctrl+X, Y, Enter.

Running RAG #3

In a Terminal window, execute this command:
Enter an input of
World domination
The response is pretty good, as shown below.

ML 126.2: RAG #3 (5 pts)

The flag is covered by a green rectangle in the image below.


NIST AI 600-1 Initial Public Draft--Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Framework: Generative Artificial Intelligence Profile

An introduction to RAG and simple/ complex RAG

A beginner's guide to building a Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) application from scratch

Microsoft Copilot in the Microsoft 365 ecosystem

Posted 5-20-24