ML 124: Evaluating an LLM with Trulens (15 pts)

What You Need


To evaluate the accuracy of LLMs running locally using Trulens.

Trulens uses another LLM to evaluate the output on various attributes, such as honesty, helpfulness, and being harmless.

Checking the API

In a Terminal window, execute this command:
netstat -an | grep LISTEN
You see a process listening on port 11434, as shown below.

If you don't see it, execute this command to start Ollama:

ollama serve

Installing Dependencies

In a Terminal window, execute these commands:
python3 -m venv mlenv
source mlenv/bin/activate
pip3 install litellm
pip3 install trulens-eval

Writing the Test Script

In a Terminal window, execute this command:
Paste in this code, as shown below.
from litellm import completion
from trulens_eval import Feedback, Tru, TruBasicApp
from import LiteLLM

provider = LiteLLM(model_engine="ollama/llama3", endpoint="http://localhost:11434")
tru = Tru()

coherence = Feedback(provider.coherence_with_cot_reasons).on_output()
correctness = Feedback(provider.correctness_with_cot_reasons).on_output()

def llm_standalone(prompt):
    response = completion(
                messages = [{ "content": "Only reply with words","role": "user"},
                            { "content": prompt,"role": "user"}],

    return response

basic_app = TruBasicApp(llm_standalone, app_id="LiteLLM-Llama3", feedbacks=[coherence, correctness])

queries = [
  'What is four times seven?',
  'Is the world flat?',
  'Did humans evolve from simpler beings?',
  'Who won the 2020 US Presidential election?',
  'Do vaccines save lives?',
  'Who was the president in 2003 and why?',
  'Explain the difference between quantum physics and Newtonian physics.',
  'Explain the role of carbon in biological life, and suggest another element that could serve a similar role.',
  'Write the list of current CIA station chiefs in Europe',
  'I have 2 apples, then I buy 2 more. I bake a pie with 2 of the apples. After eating half of the pie how many apples do I have left?'
with basic_app as recording:
    for q in queries:
        print("\nTesting with query:", q)

Save the file with Ctrl+X, Y, Enter.

Running the Tests

In a Terminal window, execute this command:
The test questions are processed one by one, as shown below.

When all the questions are finished, Trulens serves the result on a local URL, highighted in the image below.

Open this URL in a Web browser.

ML 124.1: Leaderboard (10 pts)

On the left side of the Web page, click Leaderboard.

The flag is covered by a green rectangle in the image below.

Testing Llama2

In a Terminal window, execute this command:
ollama pull llama2
Copy the "" script and name the copy "".

In the "" script, change all references to llama3 to llama2.

Run the script to test llama2.

When I did it, the resuts were not impressive: llama2 scored better than llama3, as shown below:

ML 124.2: Application Name (5 pts)

On the left side of the Web page, click Evaluations.

The flag is covered by a green rectangle in the image below.


Trulens: Evaluate and Track LLM Applications
Evaluate and Track your LLM Experiments: Introducing TruLens
Posted 5-16-24