Flags Fixed
The scoring engine had the wrong answers for flags VP 21.1 and VP 21.2. I fixed them on 9-4-24.
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Notice that "A" is 65 (in decimal) or 0x41 (in hex).
a = b'ABC'
a0 = a[0]
print("a:", a, "type", type(a))
print("a0:", a, "type", type(a0))
a += b'D'
print("a:", a, "type", type(a))
a[1] = b'D'
As shown below, note these facts:
a = b'ABC'
ba = bytearray(a)
print("a:", a, "type", type(a))
print("ba:", ba, "type", type(ba))
ba[1] = 68
print("ba:", ba, "type", type(ba))
It's possible to modify a single byte
in a bytearray,
as shown below.
a = b''
for i in range(65, 70):
a += i.to_bytes(1, 'big')
print("a:", a, "type", type(a))
a = b''
for i in range(5, 10):
a += i.to_bytes(1, 'big')
print("a:", a, "type", type(a))
As shown below, note these facts:
It works by simply moving the letters forward three spaces in the alphabet.
plaintext = b'HELLO'
# how many letters to shift by
shift = 3
ciphertext = b''
for c in plaintext:
ciphertext += (c + shift).to_bytes(1, 'big')
The encrypted version of 'HELLO' is
as shown below.
ciphertext = b'KHOOR'
# how many letters to shift by
shift = 3
plaintext = b''
for c in ciphertext:
plaintext += (c - shift).to_bytes(1, 'big')
The decrypted version of 'KHOOR' is
as shown below.
Here's how to perform that conversion.
Execute this code:
# Convert from hex to bytes
hex_string = '48656c6c6f'
print("Input is:", hex_string, type(hex_string))
bytes_version = bytes.fromhex(hex_string)
print(bytes_version, type(bytes_version))
# Convert from bytes to hex
bytes_version = b'WALDO'
print("Input is:", bytes_version, type(bytes_version))
hex_string = bytes_version.hex()
print(hex_string, type(hex_string))
The conversions succeed,
as shown below.
Flag VP 21.1: Hex (5 pts)
Convert this hex string to readable text to reveal the flag.54686520666c61672069732057484f4f504545
Flag VP 21.2: Caesar (5 pts)
This text is encrypted with the Caesar cipher. Decrypt it to reveal the flag.FRZDEXQJD
Flag VP 21.3: Better Caesar (10 pts)
This text is encrypted with a Caesar cipher with these properties:Decrypt this ciphertext to reveal the flag.
- You don't know the shift value. It could be any value from 1 to 25.
- The alphabet is wrapped, so shifting Z by 1 produces A
- Spaces are left unchanged
Flag VP 21.4: Adding (15 pts)
Convert these two hex strings to bytes objects. Then add them together byte by byte. Convert the result to ASCII to reveal the flag.0e140311100302040a0308020f01070b070811060e0a090d0c4654620f56695f6316666b1e33584d3a583a4859344f4b3822