Proj 8x: DNS Over HTTPS (10 pts. extra credit)

What You Need for This Project


Enhance privacy by resolving DNS over HTTPS.

Intalling CoreDNS

On your 64-bit Linux server, in a Terminal prompt (or an SSH session), execute these commands:


tar xzvf coredns_011_linux_x86_64.tgz

./coredns -h
You should see the CoreDNS help message, as shown below.

Configuring a CoreDNS Proxy

On your 64-bit Linux server, in a Terminal prompt (or an SSH session), execute this command:
nano Corefile
Paste in this code, as shown below.
. {
    proxy . {
        protocol https_google
    errors stdout
    log stdout

Save the file with Ctrl+X, Y, Enter.

Start the proxy server with this command:

sudo ./coredns
Enter your password when you are prompted to.

Leave this window open.

Performing a DNS Lookup

Open a second Terminal window or SSH session on your 64-bit Linux machine.

Execute this command:

dig @
You get the A record for from the proxy server, as shown below.

Saving a Screen Image

Make sure you can see these required elements: Save a full-desktop image with the filename "YOUR NAME Proj 8xa", replacing "YOUR NAME" with your real name.

Viewing Traffic to

In a Terminal window, execute this command:
dig @
You get the A record for as shown below. Remember this IP address.

When I did it, the IP address was

Monitoring Traffic with tcpdump

Open a third Terminal window or SSH session to your 64-bit Linux server and execute this command, replacing the IP address with the address you remembered in the previous step.
sudo tcpdump -nX dst
In the unused Terminal window, execute this command:
dig @
As shown below, you get the A record for, but the traffic actually sent to Google travels over HTTPS on port 443, so it's encrypted--the string "kittenwar" does not appear in the lowest window below.

Saving a Screen Image

Make sure you can see traffic to port 443, like this:, as show above.

Save a full-desktop image with the filename "YOUR NAME Proj 8xb", replacing "YOUR NAME" with your real name.

Turning In Your Project

Email the images to me as an attachments to an e-mail message. Send it to: with a subject line of "Proj 8x From YOUR NAME", replacing "YOUR NAME" with your real name.

Send a Cc to yourself.


CoreDNS Quick Start

Last modified 12-5-18