We'll use TestRPC, which makes it fast and easy to develop contracts on a simulated test blockchain.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Smart Contracts in Ethereum
Download the installer for your OS, as shown below.
Install it. as shown below.
To update it, in a Terminal window, execute this command:
sudo npm install npm@latest -g
Enter your password when you are
prompted to. The software
as shown below.
sudo apt install -y curl
Enter your password when you are
prompted to.
In the same Terminal window, execute these commands:
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_8.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
Enter your password when you are
prompted to. The software
installs, ending with a long list of
"Setting up" messages,
as shown below.
In a Terminal window, execute these commands:
node -v
npm -v
You should see version numbers,
as shown below.
(When I re-did the project on Apr 15, 2019, the versions were v8.15.1 and 6.4.1.)
In a Terminal window, execute this command:
sudo npm install npm@latest -g
Enter your password when you are
prompted to. The software
as shown below.
To install it, open a new Terminal window and execute this command:
sudo npm install -g truffle
The installation proceeds, ending
with a long list of modules,
as shown below.
(On Ubuntu, you need to prefix the last command with "sudo".)
mkdir solidity-experiments
cd solidity-experiments/
truffle init
The task succeeds,
as shown below.
In the Terminal window, execute this command.
(On Ubuntu, you need to prefix this command with "sudo".)
truffle develop
The development blockchain starts,
printing out some addresses,
as shown below.
You should be able to compile the example contracts by running truffle compile. Then, to deploy the contracts to the simulated network using the testrpc node we have running, you need to run truffle migrate.
In the
Terminal window,
at the truffle(develop)>
execute these commands.
networks --clean
The task succeeds,
as shown below.
In the
Terminal window,
at the truffle(develop)>
execute these commands.
create contract ProofOfExistence1
The task succeeds without an error,
as shown below.
cd solidity-experiments
nano contracts/ProofOfExistence1.sol
The contract code appears,
with a few lines of code,
as shown below.
Remove the existing code and paste in this code:
pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
// Proof of Existence contract, version 1
contract ProofOfExistence1 {
// state
bytes32 public proof;
// calculate and store the proof for a document
// *transactional function*
function notarize(string memory document) public {
proof = proofFor(document);
// helper function to get a document's sha256
// *read-only function*
function proofFor(string memory document) public view returns (bytes32) {
return sha256(bytes(document));
Your screen should look like the
image below.
In the contract above, notarize is a transactional function and proofFor is a constant function.
nano migrations/2_deploy_contracts.js
The file is empty. Paste in the code
shown below:
var ProofOfExistence1 = artifacts.require("./ProofOfExistence1.sol");
module.exports = function(deployer) {
Press Ctrl+X,
Y, Enter to save the file.
To run the migration again,
In your original
Terminal window,
at the truffle(develop)>
execute this command.
migrate --reset
Truffle compiles the contract,
as shown below.
In your original
Terminal window,
at the truffle(develop)>
execute these commands.
let poe = await ProofOfExistence1.at(ProofOfExistence1.address)
The first command returns an "undefined"
message, but the second one prints out a
long hexadecimal address,
as shown below.
An amazing idea
The SHA256 hash of this message is shown below, and it starts with a328.
Let's use our smart contract to calculate that hash value.
In your original
Terminal window,
at the truffle(develop)>
execute this command.
poe.proofFor('An amazing idea')
The first command returns
the correct hash value,
as shown below.
execute this command.
poe.notarize('An amazing idea')
The first command
performs a transaction, storing a block
on the blockchain. The second command
returns the hash value of the document,
as shown below.
Notice that the transaction cost some gas, as shown above.
execute this command, replacing
"YOURNAME" with your own name.
The first command
puts your name
on the blockchain. The second command
returns the hash value of the document,
as shown below.
Capture a full-screen image.
Save the image with the filename "YOUR NAME Proj 15", replacing "YOUR NAME" with your real name.
Posted 11-14-17 by Sam Bowne
Updated 8:30 pm 11-14-17
Updated 4-15-19