Multichain Explorer (10 pts.)

What you need:

Installing Prerequisites

On your Ubuntu server, in a Terminal, execute this command:
sudo apt update
Enter your password when you are prompted to.

On your Ubuntu server, in a Terminal, execute these commands:

sudo apt-get install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev -y
sudo apt-get install python-dev -y
sudo apt-get install python-pip -y
sudo pip install pycrypto

Installing Multichain Explorer

On your Ubuntu server, in a Terminal, execute these commands:
git clone
cd multichain-explorer
python install --user
A long series of "copying" messages scrolls by, as shown below.

Finding the RPC Port

On your Ubuntu server, in a Terminal, execute this command:
grep rpc ~/.multichain/samchain/params.dat
The default-rpc-port should be 4415, as shown below.

Execute this command to add the port number to the configuration file:

echo "rpcport=4415" >> ~/.multichain/samchain/multichain.conf

Configuring the Web Server

On your Ubuntu server, in a Terminal, execute these commands:
cd multichain-explorer
cp chain1.example.conf samchain.conf
nano samchain.conf

Make these changes, as shown below:

Load Data

To load existing data into the explorer, execute this command:
python -m Mce.abe --config samchain.conf --commit-bytes 100000 --no-serve
A series of blocks load, as shown below.

Find your IP Address

Execute this command:
ip addr show
Make a note of your IP address, as highlighted in the image below.

Start the Web Server

To serve the Multichain Explorer page, execute this command:
python -m Mce.abe --config samchain.conf
The server starts listening, as shown below.

Viewing Multichain Explorer

In your browser, go to this URL, replacing the IP address with the correct address of your Web server:

Multichain Explorer appears, as shown below.

Viewing the Genesis Block

Near the top of the Multichain Explorer window, the number of Blocks appears. When I did it, there were 277 blocks; it will be larger when you do it.

Click the number of blocks to view the blocks.

In the Search field, enter 0, as shown below.

Click the Search button.

In the "Search Results" page, click "MultiChain samchain 0".

Find the Nonce value for block 0, redacted in the image below.

Recording Your Success

Use the form below to put your name on the WINNERS PAGE.
Your Name:


Welcome to MultiChain Explorer
Errors after pip upgrade
Posted 6-18-18 by Sam Bowne