C 605: Capture the Ether: Guess the Random Number (25 pts.)

What You Need


To learn Solidity hacking.


You should already have the MetaMask browser extension, some Ropsten test Eth, and have completed the first Capture The Ether challenge.

Guess the Random Number

In your browser, go to: https://capturetheether.com/challenges/lotteries/guess-the-random-number/

You see the "Guess the random number" page, as shown below.

Read the Solidity code. Notice these things:

Deploying the GuessTheRandomNumberChallenge Contract

On the "Guess the random number" page, on the left side, click the "Begin Challenge" button.

A MetaMask box pops up.

Click Confirm.

After a few seconds, the left side of the page shows your contract's address, as shown below.

Using Etherscan

On the "Guess the random number" page, right-click your contract's address and open the link in a new tab.

An Etherscan page opens, showing information about your contract, as shown below.

In the Etherscan page, in the lower center, click the "Internal Txns" tab, outlined in green in the image above.

On the next page, click the blue Parent Txn Hash value, outlined in green in the image below.

On the next page, click the State tab, outlined in green in the image below.

On the next page, several state changes are shown.

Find the one that has a Before of "0 Eth" and an After of "1 Eth"--that's the constructor running. Expand that line by clicking the down-arrow at the left of the line, revealing the details.

The Storage changes appear, as shown below. In the After line, change the data type to Num, outlined in green in the image below.

The answer appears to the right of that box, outlined in red in the image below. Note: your value will be different from the image below, because each time the contract is deployed the answer changes.

Using Remix

In Remix, on the left side, in the FILE EXPLORERS pane, click the "File explorers" icon, outlined in green in the image below.

Right-click the contracts folder and click "New File".

Name the new file random.sol

Paste in the code from the "Guess the random number" page, as shown below.

On the left side of the Remix page, click the Compile icon, outlined in red in the image above.

Click the "Compile random.sol" button.

Then click the Deploy icon, outlined in light blue in the image above.

Connecting to the Deployed Contract

In the Remix page, on the left, in the "DEPLOY & RUN TRANSACTIONS" pane, make sure the ENVIRONMENT is set to "Injected Web3", outlined in green in the image below.

On the "Guess the random number" page, copy the address of your deployed contract.

In the Remix page, in the lower portion of the "DEPLOY & RUN TRANSACTIONS" pane, paste that address into the box next to the "At Address" button, outlined in red in the image below.

Click the "At Address" button.

Calling the guess Function

In the Remix page, at the bottom of the "DEPLOY & RUN TRANSACTIONS" pane, expand the "GUESSTHERANDOMNUMBERCHALLENGE AT ..." container.

In the field next to the red guess button, enter the answer you found from Etherscan, outlined in green in the image above.

Enter a VALUE of 1 Ether, outlined in light blue in the image above.

Click the red guess button.

If a box pops up saying "Gas estimation failed", click "Send Transaction".

A MetaMask box pops up.

Click Confirm.

At the lower right, a green check mark appears, showing that the transaction succeeded.

Completing the Challenge

On the "Guess the random number" page, on the left side, click the "Check Solution" button.

A MetaMask box pops up. Click Confirm. You win, and a little dancing figure appears on the lower left, as shown below.

Viewing Recent Transactions

In the Etherscan page, click the Back button to return to the page showing information about your deployed contract.

Find the transaction with a Value of 2 Ether and click its Parent Txn Hash value, outlined in green in the image below.

Flag C 605.1 Before (15 pts)

On the next page, click the State tab.

The flag is the Before value, covered by a green rectangle in the image below.

Another Solution

Now let's solve the same challenge another way, calculating the answer from the values recorded on the blockchain.

As shown below, we need two values: a blockhash and now, a timestamp.

The Solidity documentation explains these properties, outlined in the image below. ("now" is an alias for block.timestamp.)

Using Etherscan

On the "Guess the random number" page, right-click your contract's address and open the link in a new tab.

In the Etherscan page, in the lower center, click the "Internal Txns" tab.

On the next page, click the oldest blue Parent Txn Hash value.

The hash and timestamp are shown, outlined in green in the image below.

Getting Epoch Time

In a new browser tab, go to


Enter the timestamp from your Etherscan page to get the Epoch timestamp, as shown below.

Using Remix

You should already have a Remix tab open. If you don't, open a new browser tab and go to


On the Remix page, on the left side, in the FILE EXPLORERS pane, click the "File explorers" icon, outlined in green in the image below.

Right-click the contracts folder and click "New File".

Name the new file calcSecret.sol

Paste in the code below, replacing the hash and timestamp values with the correct values for your contract.

pragma solidity ^0.4.21;

contract calcSecret{
	function find() public view returns(uint8) {
		bytes32 hash = 0x71ea1a921f7ec63c95b50570351f8f2e54e2c5b46601e104389e2644d3a36f0a;
        uint timestamp = 1653079824;
        uint8 answer = uint8(keccak256(hash, timestamp));
        return answer;
On the left side of the Remix page, click the Compile icon, outlined in red in the image below.

Click the "Compile calcSecret.sol" button.

Then click the Deploy icon, outlined in light blue in the image below.

In the "DEPLOY & RUN TRANSACTIONS" pane, at the top, change the ENVIRONMENT to "JavaScript VM (London)", outlined in yellow in the image below.

Click the orange Deploy button.

At the bottom of the "DEPLOY & RUN TRANSACTIONS" pane, expand the "CALCSECRET AT ..." container.

Click the blue-gray find button.

The answer appears, outlined in white in the image below.

There's one problem: that answer is wrong! It does not match the answer we found directly stored on the blockchain earlier in this project.

Finding the Correct Block Hash

Take another look at the code used to calculate the answer. The blockhash is not calculated from the current block, but the block before it:
block.number - 1

In Etherscan, find the block number for the block that created your contract, outlined in green in the image below.

Click that block number.

On the next page, next to the block number, click the left-arrow, outlined in green in the image below.

Scroll down and click the "Click to see more" link to reveal the block hash, outlined in green in the image below.

Using the Correct Hash

Correct the hash in your contract. Compile nad deploy it, and run the find function.

Now the calculation finds the correct value, outlined in white in the image below.

Flag C 605.2 Log Message (10 pts)

The flag is in the log message, covered by a green rectangle in the image below.


Ethereum Smart Contract Development | Capture the Ether Problem 1 & 2
Capture the Ether (Part 1 of 3): Exploring Ethereum Lottery Vulnerabilities
Capture The Ether: token sale
Capture The Ether: token whale
Solidity array overflow

Posted 5-20-22 by Sam Bowne