ML 108: Evasion Attacks on MNIST dataset (40 pts extra)

What You Need


To practice making simple machine learning code in Python. This project is based on this tutorial:

Using Google Colab

In a browser, go to
If you see a blue "Sign In" button at the top right, click it and log into a Google account.

From the menu, click File, "New notebook".

Downloading the Data

Execute these commands to import the SecML library and download the MNIST dataset, which contains 70,000 small images of handwritten digits.
!pip install git+
import secml
from import CDataLoaderMNIST
loader = CDataLoaderMNIST()
As shown below, a few pages of messages scroll by, ending with several "File stored" messages.

Selecting Samples to Use

Execute these commands to select a small set of samples, including only the digits 5 and 9.
random_state = 999

n_tr = 100  # Number of training set samples
n_val = 500  # Number of validation set samples
n_ts = 500  # Number of test set samples

digits = (5, 9)

tr_val = loader.load('training', digits=digits, num_samples=n_tr + n_val)
ts = loader.load('testing', digits=digits, num_samples=n_ts)

# Split in training and validation set
tr = tr_val[:n_tr, :]
val = tr_val[n_tr:, :]

# Normalize the features in `[0, 1]`
tr.X /= 255
val.X /= 255
ts.X /= 255

print("Training Set")

print("Validation Set")

print("Test Set")
As shown below, each set is an array of images, each containing 784 pixels (28x28).

Viewing Samples

Execute these commands to show some examples of the images:
from secml.figure import CFigure
# Only required for visualization in notebooks
%matplotlib inline

# Let's define a convenience function to easily plot the MNIST dataset
def show_digits_1(samples, labels, digs, n_display=8):
    samples = samples.atleast_2d()
    n_display = min(n_display, samples.shape[0])
    fig = CFigure(width=n_display*2, height=3)
    for idx in range(n_display):
        fig.subplot(2, n_display, idx+1)
        fig.sp.imshow(samples[idx, :].reshape((28, 28)), cmap='gray')

show_digits_1(tr.X, tr.Y, digits)
As shown below, the images are handwritten 5's or 9's.

Training a Classifier

Execute these commands to create and train a model:
from import CClassifierSVM
# train SVM in the dual space, on a linear kernel, as needed for poisoning
clf = CClassifierSVM(C=10, kernel='linear')

print("Training of classifier..."), tr.Y)

# Compute predictions on a test set
y_pred = clf.predict(ts.X)

# Metric to use for performance evaluation
from import CMetricAccuracy
metric = CMetricAccuracy()

# Evaluate the accuracy of the classifier
acc = metric.performance_score(y_true=ts.Y, y_pred=y_pred)

print("Accuracy on test set: {:.2%}".format(acc))
As shown below, the model is 93.6% accurate.

An Evasion Attack

Execute these commands to perform an evasion attack--that is, to modify some of the test images so that the model will make more errors. We'll use only 25 images.
# For simplicity, let's attack a subset of the test set
attack_ds = ts[:25, :]

noise_type = 'l2'  # Type of perturbation 'l1' or 'l2'
dmax = 2.5  # Maximum perturbation
lb, ub = 0., 1.  # Bounds of the attack space. Can be set to `None` for unbounded
y_target = None  # None if `error-generic` or a class label for `error-specific`

# Should be chosen depending on the optimization problem
solver_params = {
    'eta': 0.5, 
    'eta_min': 2.0, 
    'eta_max': None,
    'max_iter': 100, 
    'eps': 1e-6

from secml.adv.attacks import CAttackEvasionPGDLS
pgd_ls_attack = CAttackEvasionPGDLS(classifier=clf,

print("Attack started...")
eva_y_pred, _, eva_adv_ds, _ =, attack_ds.Y)
print("Attack complete!")

acc = metric.performance_score(
    y_true=attack_ds.Y, y_pred=clf.predict(attack_ds.X))
acc_attack = metric.performance_score(
    y_true=attack_ds.Y, y_pred=eva_y_pred)

print("Accuracy on reduced test set before attack: {:.2%}".format(acc))
print("Accuracy on reduced test set after attack: {:.2%}".format(acc_attack))
As shown below, the model is 100% accurate on these 25 images before the attack, but only 12% accurate afterwards.

Viewing the Modified Images

Execute these commands to show examples of the images before and after the attack:
from secml.figure import CFigure
# Only required for visualization in notebooks
%matplotlib inline

# Let's define a convenience function to easily plot the MNIST dataset
def show_digits(samples, preds, labels, digs, n_display=8):
    samples = samples.atleast_2d()
    n_display = min(n_display, samples.shape[0])
    fig = CFigure(width=n_display*2, height=3)
    for idx in range(n_display):
        fig.subplot(2, n_display, idx+1)
        fig.sp.imshow(samples[idx, :].reshape((28, 28)), cmap='gray')
        fig.sp.title("{} ({})".format(digits[labels[idx].item()], digs[preds[idx].item()]),
                     color=("green" if labels[idx].item()==preds[idx].item() else "red"))

show_digits(attack_ds.X, clf.predict(attack_ds.X), attack_ds.Y, digits)
show_digits(eva_adv_ds.X, clf.predict(eva_adv_ds.X), eva_adv_ds.Y, digits)
The results are shown below. Note these things: Very small changes to the images, hardly noticable, greatly degrade the model's performance. This is a big, systematic problem with machine learning.

Flag ML 108.1: Correct Predictions (10 pts)

Modify the code above to show all 25 images, or, even better, to print the labels in the second row separate from the images.

Find all the correct predictions in the bottom row and concatenate their values. For example, if there are only three correct, and they are all 9's, the result is 999.

That concatenated number is the flag.

Flag ML 108.2: Smaller Perturbation (10 pts)

Make these changes:
  • Change the maximum perturbation to 2.0
  • Change the maximum iterations to 50
The modified images have different patterns of blurry smudges added, as shown below.
As in flag 108.1, find all the correct predictions in the 25 images in the bottom row and concatenate their values to form the flag.

Flag ML 108.3: Different Perturbation Type (10 pts)

Make these changes:
  • Change the perturbation type to l1 (the letter l followed by the digit 1)
  • Change the maximum perturbation to 12.0
  • Change the maximum iterations to 40
The modified images now have only bright or dark pixels added, rather than grays, as shown below.
As in flag 108.1, find all the correct predictions in the 25 images in the bottom row and concatenate their values to form the flag.

Flag ML 108.4: Different Digits (10 pts)

Make these changes:
  • Use 200 training samples
  • Use 400 validation and test set samples
  • Use the digits 1 and 2
  • Use the perturbation type l2 (the letter l followed by the digit 2)
  • Use maximum perturbation 2.1
  • Set the maximum iterations to 40
The first four modified images are shown below.
As in flag 108.1, find all the correct predictions in the 25 images in the bottom row and concatenate their values to form the flag.


Posted and video added 5-3-23
Perturbation type in flags 3 and 4 fixed 12-13-23
Image for "An Evasion Attack" updated 7-23-24