M 710: Unsafe Logging by Fiserv iPhone Apps (10 pts)

What You Need


To view iPhone device logs and see passwords exposed by Fiserv apps.

Responsible Disclosure

I notified Fiserv about this on Jan 12, 2020 and they did nothing.

Installing an Unsafe Fiserv App

Install one of these apps (clicking the image goes to the Apple Store page for the app)



Viewing the iPhone Log

There are various ways to do this, as explained on this page:

How to obtain iOS device logs using Mac and Windows

Here's how I did it for a normal, non-jailbroken iPhone:

For a jailbroken iPhone: You should see a lot of log messages scrolling by, as shown below.

Filtering the Log View

Choose a word to use as a test password string based on your name, such as bobinator and search for it in the log.

There should be no results, as shown below.

Logging In to an Usafe App

On your iPhone, launch the unsafe app. Perform a login with any username and a password containing your test password string, as shown below.

Your login will be rejected.

Flag M 710.1: Log Entry (10 pts)

The password appears in the log. The flag is covered by a green rectangle in the image below.

Posted 2-12-2020