M 305: MobSF Dynamic Analysis (35 pts extra)

What You Need for This Project


To practice using Mobile Security Framework (MobSF), for dynamic analysis.

Creating a Genymotion Emulator

Install Genymotion, from:
Launch Genymotion. At the top right, click the pink plus-sign and create an emulator using these options: Launch the emulator, as shown below.

Notice the device identifier, outlined in red at the top of the image below.

Installing Docker

Get docker as explained here:
Get Docker
A "docker desktop" window appears, as shown below.

Installing MobSF with Dynamic Analysis Support

On the host system, in a Terminal, execute this command, replacing the IP address and port in the second line with your correct device identifier.
sudo docker run -it --rm -p 8000:8000 -p 1337:1337 \
MobSF starts listening on port 8000, as shown below.

Viewing the MobSF Web Page

On your host system, in a Web browser, open this URL:
You see the MobSF Web page, as shown below.

Analyzing a Vulnerable App

Download this APK file:
Drag and drop the genie.apk file onto the MobSF Web page.

Wait while the MobSF analyzes the app.

When it finishes, you see a pretty display of the results, as shown below.

Performing Dynamic Analysis

In the MobSF Web page, at the top center, click "DYNAMIC ANALYZER".

The MobSF Dynamic Analyzer page opens, as shown below.

Click the "Android Dynamic Analyzer" button.

On the next page, at the bottom, find the "genie.apk" line. On the right side, click the "Start Dynamic Analysis" button, as shown below.

The Dynamic Analyzer page opens, as shown below.

TLS/SSL Security Tester

On the Dynamic Analyzer page, at the top, click the "TLS/SSL Security Tester" button.

A page of instructions appears, as shown below.

Notice the NOTE line in the center: when the app is running, you need to enter fake credentials into the login screen and log in, to create network traffic.

At the bottom, click the "Run TLS/SSL Tests" button.

The app launches in the Gennymotion emulator.

Approve the installation of the app and click through the introduction screen.

When you see a "Sign In" button, click it and attempt to log in with fake credentials.

The app will launch three times. Perform login attempts each time.

M 305.1: Test Results (10 pts)

In the the "Test Progress" box, find the text covered by a green box in the image below. That's the flag.

Exported Activity Tester

On the Dynamic Analyzer page, at the top, click the "Exported Activity Tester" button.

Look at the Android emulator. You will see several screens pop up.

When the test is done, you'll see the message "Exported Activity testing completed.", highlighted in the image below.

On the Dynamic Analyzer page, at the top, click the "Generate Report" button.

M 305.2: Exported Activity (5 pts)

Scroll down to find activity shown below.

Find the text covered by a green box in the image below. That's the flag.

Creating an Android 7 Device

Create a new Genymotion emulated device running Android 7.0. For some reason the app would not run on Android 11.

Static Analysis of National_Anti_Fraud_Center.apk

Perform static analysis on this app, which the Chinese government uses to scan phones of citizens:
The app is larger than the "genie" app, so the analysis will take longer. 3:36

In the DECOMPILED CODE section, click the "Download Java Code" button, as shown below.

M 305.3: HelloWorld (5 pts)

Unzip the file that you downloaded.

Expand the folders. There are very few files in it, as shown below. One of them is a demonstration "heloworld" function, which is unprofessional to leave in a finished app.

Find the text covered by a green box in the image below. That's the flag.

Identifying the Packer

This app uses packed code, which impedes static analysis.

As shown below, MobSF identifies the packer as:
Mobile Tencent Protect

To learn more about this app, we need to perform dynamic analysis.

Installing ARM Translation Libraries

Genymotion emulators cannot run ARM code by default, and the app we are examining uses ARM code. This is the fix for that problem.

Download the Genymotion-ARM-Translation_for_9.0.zip file from this page:


Drag the the Genymotion-ARM-Translation_for_9.0.zip file onto your Genymotion Android device and drop it there.

A warning message pops up, as shown below. Click OK.

A message says the file was flashed successfully. Click "Restart Now".

Dynamic Analysis of National_Anti_Fraud_Center.apk

In the MobSF window, at the top, click "DYNAMIC ANALYZER".

Click the "Android Dynamic Analyzer" button.

On the next page, at the bottom, find the "National_Anti_Fraud_Center.apk" line. On the right side, click the "Start Dynamic Analysis" button, as shown below.

The Dynamic Analyzer page appears, as shown below.

Activity Tester

At the top right, click the "Activity Tester" button. This will launch each of the 156 activities in the app.

The app installs, and screens open and close on the emulator.

When you see messages asking for permissions, allow them.

If boxes pop up saying the app keeps stopping, click "Close app".

If boxes pop up saying the app has stopped, click "Open app again".

When the testing is completed, at the top, click the "Generate Report" button.

Scroll down to the ACTIVITY TESTER section to see screenshots of each activity, as shown below.

M 305.4: Activity Name (10 pts)

Find the activity shown below.

Find the text covered by a green box in the image below. That's the flag.

M 305.5: Files (5 pts)

In the OTHER FILES section, find the file shown below.

Find the text covered by a green box in the image below. That's the flag.


Mobile Security Framework (MobSF)
MobSF Documentation

Posted 2-18-24