M 200: ADB with Android Studio (15 pts)

What You Need for This Project


To configure your system so the Android Debug Bridge tool can access your Android emulator.

Installing Platform-Tools

Launch Android Studio. From the menu bar, click Tools, "SDK Manager".

In the Preferences box, click the "SDK Tools" tab.

Check to see if "Android SDK Platform-Tools" is Installed, as shown below.

If it is not, check the box on that line and click the Apply button. Click OK. Click Finish.

Launching ADB

In the SDK Manager window, notice the Android SDK Location, outlined in green in the image above.

Open a Terminal or Command Prompt window and execute these commands, as shown below, replacing the path in the first command with the Android SDK Location on your system:

cd /Users/sambowne/Library/Android/sdk
cd platform-tools
./adb version

Launching an Emulator

In Android Studio, close the SDK Manager window.

You should already have made an emulator in a previous project.

In Device Manager, start an emulator, as shown below.

Connecting to your Android Device with ADB

In the Terminal or Command Prompt window you used previously, execute these commands:
./adb devices
You should see a device listed, as shown below.

M 200.1: ADB Shell (15 pts)

In the Terminal or Command Prompt window you used previously, execute these commands:
./adb shell
uname -a
Find the text in that box that is covered by the green box in the image below. That's the flag.

Posted 9-19-22
"./" added before adb 9-26-22