HCC Lab Startup

Ubuntu Login

User ID: hcc Password: hcc


Click Start button at the top left of the desktop.

Search for Terminal and open it; then execute this command:

sudo /opt/genymobile/genymotion/genymotion
Enter a password of hcc

Once Gennymotion starts, click the + to add a new device. It asks you to log in. Log in with this username and password:

Add the Google Galaxy Nexus 4.3 phone.

If you get a message saying the file is corrupt, you aren't running with sudo.


In a new Terminal window, execute these commands:
cd /opt/burp


If you get a message saying it cannot locate the jar file, your working directory is not "/opt/burp".


In a new Terminal window, execute these commands:
cd Android/Sdk/platform-tools
./adb devices -l
You should see a Google Galaxy Nexus device listed, as shown below.