ASM 110: Gdb (15 pts + 15 extra)

What You Need


To practice debugging simple 32-bit assembly code.

Hello, World in Assembler

Create this "hello.asm" file:
section  .text
global   _start


    mov  edx, len
    mov  ecx, msg
    mov  ebx, 1
    mov  eax, 4
    int  0x80

    mov  eax, 1
    int  0x80

section  .data

msg  db  "Hello World!"
len  equ $ - msg
Execute these commands to compile, link, and run the program:
nasm -f elf32 hello.asm
ld -m elf_i386 -o hello hello.o
The program runs, as shown below.


Execute this command to debug the "hello" program:
gdb -q hello
The Gnu debugger opens, as shown below.

Execute this command to disassemble the code from the _start location:

disassemble _start
Notice the third command, outlined in green in the image below.

The command we entered in the hello.asm source code was:

    mov  ebx, 1
However, the arguments are reversed in the debugger.

Using Intel Format

In gdb, execute these commands:
set disassembly-flavor intel
disassemble _start
Now the code resembles the source code more closely, as shown below.

Compare that output to the assembly code you wrote and notice these things:


In gdb, execute these commands:
break * _start + 10
break * _start + 15
info registers
The program runs to the first breakpoint, just before the "mov ebx, 0x1" command, and displays the registers, as shown below.

Notice these things:

In gdb, execute these commands:

info registers
The program runs to the second breakpoint, just after the "mov ebx, 0x1" command, and displays the registers, as shown below.

Now ebx contains 0x1.

Memory Segments

In gdb, execute this command:
info proc mappings
The memory segments used by the program are listed, as shown below.

ASM 110.1: Data (5 pts)

In gdb, execute this command:
x/4x ($ecx)
The flag is covered by a green rectangle in the image below.

After getting the flag, execute these commands to exit gdb:


ASM 110.2: Extra Command (10 pts)

In the shell, execute these commands:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install wget -y
chmod +x ASM110-2
The program prints out a lot of extra garbage after the desired "Hello, World!" message, as shown below.

There is one extra line of assembly code in the program causing that problem. Find the extra line. Submit that entire line as the flag.

ASM 110.3: Crash (15 pts extra)

In the shell, execute these commands:
chmod +x ASM110-3
The program crashes with a "Segmentation fault" error.

Find the command that caused the crash. That command, in Intel format, is the flag.


System calls in the Linux kernel. Part 1.
X86 Assembly/Interfacing with Linux
Linux System Call Table (32-bit)
List of Linux/i386 system calls
Assembly Programming Tutorial

Posted 7-16-2020
Hint added to ASM 100.18 7-17-2020
Minor updates 1-28-25