ASM 105: ASCII (20 pts)

What You Need


To practice collecting user input.

Greet in Assembler

Create this "greet.asm" file:
section  .text
global   _start


    mov  edx, len_prompt
    mov  ecx, prompt
    mov  ebx, 1
    mov  eax, 4                    ; 4 = sys_write
    int  0x80                      ; write prompt to user

    mov  edx, len_name
    mov  ecx, yourname
    mov  ebx, 1
    mov  eax, 3                    ; 4 = sys_read
    int  0x80                      ; read name from user

    mov  ecx, len_name             ; ecx is loop counter, starts at len_name
    mov  edx, hello
    add  edx, 6
    add  edx, len_name             ; edx points to last letter of name in hello message
    mov  esi, yourname + len_name
    dec  esi                       ; esi points to last letter in name from user
    mov  al, byte [esi]            ; al is current letter of name
    mov  [edx], al                 ; copy letter to hello message
    dec  edx
    dec  esi
    loop next_char                 ; loop ends when ecx = 0

    mov  edx, len_hello
    mov  ecx, hello
    mov  ebx, 1
    mov  eax, 4                    ; 4 = sys_write
    int  0x80

    mov  eax, 1
    int  0x80

section  .data

    hello      db   "Hello,                         ", 10, 13
    len_hello  equ  $ - hello
    prompt     db   "What is your name?", 10, 13
    len_prompt equ  $ - prompt
    yourname   db   "          "
    len_name equ  $ - yourname
Compile and run the progam, as shown below.

ASM 105.1: ASCII (5 pts)

Create a program that accepts a series of two-digit numbers terminated by "00" and builds a string from them, as shown below.

Run your program on this string to see the flag:


ASM 105.2: ASCII (15 pts)

Create a program that accepts a series of decimal numbers and builds a string from them, as shown below.

Run your program on this string to see the flag:



System calls in the Linux kernel. Part 1.
X86 Assembly/Interfacing with Linux
Linux System Call Table (32-bit)
List of Linux/i386 system calls
Assembly Programming Tutorial

Posted 7-19-2020
Completely rewritten 4-1-24