Proj 15: PicoCTF 2017 (20 pts.)

What You Need

Any computer with a Web browser.


To solve hacking puzzles similar to those in Capture The Flag competitions. The "Pico CTF" learning tool was created by the best CTF team in the world, the Plaid Parliament of Pwning, from Carnegie Mellon University.

Registering an Account

In a Web browser, go to

Click the "GET STARTED!" button.

On the next page, click "Officially register for picoCTF 2017".

Fill in the form, as shown below. Click the REGISTER button.

Check your email. Open the message from picoctf and click the button to activate your account.

Playing the Game

The game starts, as shown below. You can read these messages, which explain the storyline, or click "SKIP ALL" in the lower right corner.

Solve Challenges

Solve some of the challenges. You will gain points, as shown below. For each 4 points you earn in the game, you get 1 point in this class, up to a maximum of 80 points in the game, or 20 points in this class.

When you have done that, capture an image showing YOUR NAME on the top right right, and your score in the bottom center, as shown below.

Saving a Screen Image

Press the PrintScrn key to copy the whole desktop to the clipboard.


Paste the image into Paint.

Save the document with the filename "YOUR NAME Proj 15", replacing "YOUR NAME" with your real name.

Solving More Challenges

If you want to continue, see project X15.

Turning in your Project

Email the image to with the subject line: Proj 15 from YOUR NAME
Updated 5-31-17