Project 13: Using Kernel Debugging Commands with WinDbg (15 pts.)

What You Need


Practice using simple WinDbg commands.

Starting Configuration

You should have a Windows XP SP3 TARGET machine running in debug mode, connected to a Windows WINDBG machine running WinDbg, showing the message "Connected to Windows XP, as shown below:

Notice the status bar at the bottom of the WinDbg window, saying "Debugee not connected".

That means that even though the serial connection is working, the kernel on the target machine has not been interrupted by WinDbg yet.

To start executing WinDbg commands, you need to break in to the kernel.

Breaking In

From the WinDbg menu bar, click Debug, Break.

A message appears, saying you have broken in, ending with an "int 3" instruction, showing that you have hit a breakpoint, as shown below:

Press Enter to get a kd> prompt, as shown above.

Listing Modules with lm

With the focus on WinDbg, type


and then press the Enter key.

The characters you type appear in the status bar, at the bottom of the window, but when you press Enter they move into the main window and show the output, as shown below:

Scroll back to see the lm command you entered, and the first few loaded kernel modules.

You should see the module named nt at the top, as shown above.

This is Ntoskrnl, the main kernel module.

Viewing Memory

In WinDbg, execute this command:

dd nt

You see the first several bytes of Ntoskrnl.exe, as shown below.

This may be more familiar in ASCII.

In WinDbg, execute this command:

da nt

You see the characters "MZ" --they are at the start of every EXE file.

In WinDbg, execute this command:

da nt+4c

You see the message "This program cannot be run in DOS mode", as shown below:

Saving a Screen Image

Make sure you can see the message "This program cannot be run in DOS mode", as shown above.

On your keyboard, press the PrntScrn key.

Click Start, type in PAINT, and open Paint.

Press Ctrl+V to paste in the image of your desktop.


Save the image with a filename of "Proj 13a from YOUR NAME".

Searching for Functions

In WinDbg, execute this command:

x nt!*

This finds all the functions in Ntoskrnl.

There are a lot of them, as shown below:

In WinDbg, execute this command:

x nt!*Create*

This finds all the functions in Ntoskrnl that contain the word "Create".

There are a lot of them, including "nt!NtCreateFile", as highlighted below:

Unassembling a Function

In WinDbg, execute this command:

u nt!NtCreateFile

This shows the first few bytes of the function, disassembled, as shown below:

To see more of this function, it helps to use the WinDbg Disassembly window.

From the WinDbg menu bar, click View, Disassembly.

In the Offset bar at the top, enter


Resize this window to make the entire function visible, as highlighted below:

Saving a Screen Image

Make sure you have highlighted the entire function, as shown above.

On your keyboard, press the PrntScrn key.

Click Start, type in PAINT, and open Paint.

Press Ctrl+V to paste in the image of your desktop.


Save the image with a filename of "Proj 13b from YOUR NAME".

Online Help

In WinDbg, execute this command:


You see the first page of the online help, as shown below:

Press Enter to see the other page.

Examining the tcpip Module

In WinDbg, execute this command:

u tcpip

This shows the first few bytes of the tcpip module, disassembled, as shown below:

From the WinDbg menu bar, click View, Disassembly.

In the Offset bar, enter


You should see the first portion of the tcpip module, as shown below (you may have to wait a few seconds for it to appear, or even close and re-open the Disassembly window):

Press the PageDown key about 14 times, depending on the size of your window, until you find a reference to tcpip!SendICMPErr, as highlighted below:

Saving a Screen Image

Make sure you have highlighted tcpip!SendICMPErr, as shown above.

On your keyboard, press the PrntScrn key.

Click Start, type in PAINT, and open Paint.

Press Ctrl+V to paste in the image of your desktop.


Save the image with a filename of "Proj 13c from YOUR NAME".

Turning in Your Project

Email the images to: with a subject line of Proj 13 From Your Name, replacing Your Name with your own first and last name. Send a Cc to yourself.

Last Modified: 10-21-13 9:47 am