What you Need

Don't Use Chrome

NETLAB requires Java, which Chrome does not support. I recommend using Firefox on a PC, or Safari on a Mac.

Logging In

Go to

Log in with the username and password from your instructor.

The first time you log in, you will need to enter a new password. Then you will be asked to verify your email address and time zone.

Network Test

Follow the instructions on your screen to run the Network Test. You'll need to approve several security exceptions. The precise steps depend on your browser and operating system.

Reserving a Pod

The "MyNETLAB" page opens, as shown below. Click the Scheduler icon.

On the next page, click your class name: "WASTC Scripting Sec", as shown below.

On the next page, click "Scripting Sec (No PDF)", as shown below.

On the next page, find your assigned pod and click the current time to reserve it, as shown below.

Entering the Lab

When you return to the "MyNETLAB" page, you should see a reservation, as shown below. Click the "ENTER LAB" button.

Follow the instructions for the project you are doing. Almost all the labs use either the Kali 32 or Kali 64 machine. Log into them with a username of root and a password of toor

Adjusting Screen Size

On the left side of the Kali desktop, click the lowest icon (a 3x3 grid of dots), as outlined in red in the image below.

On the right side of the desktop, click the third dot from the top, as outlined in red in the image below.

Then, on the left, click Settings.

Click Displays, as outlined in red in the image below.

Click Unknown Display. Select a different resolution value, as outlined in red in the image below.

Click Apply. Click "Keep Changes".

Copying and Pasting in NETLAB

You cannot copy from your own system into NETLAB. However, you can copy text from a web page opened within a NETLAB machine into a Terminal window in the same machine.

These project instructions are available within NETLAB.

From the Kali desktop, at the top left, click the blue icon with a little white animal face. This opens IceWeasel, a Firefox clone.

In IceWeasel, go to The labs appear, as shown below.

To copy text from a Web page, press Ctrl+C

To paste text into a Terminal window, press Shift+Ctrl+C

Posted 6-22-16 by Sam Bowne