Project 2C: Katoolin (10 pts extra)

What you need


To use Katoolin and other software to convert the Debian server into an attack platform with some Kali tools, including Metasploit.

Google Cloud Server

If you don't have a Google Cloud Server set up, see these instructions.

Google Cloud Platform Console

Open a Web browser to this URL:

Log in to Google, and you should see your Google Cloud Platform Console.

On the left side, click "Compute Engine". as shown below.

Installing Katoolin

Execute these commands:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install git dirmngr -y

git clone
sudo cp katoolin/ /usr/bin/katoolin
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/katoolin
sudo katoolin
Katoolin opens, as shown below.

Using Katoolin to Add Kali Repositories

From the Katoolin kat > prompt, enter these options: You should see the "imported: 1" message, as outlined in red in the image below.

If you see a "No data" error, repeat the command, as I did in the image below.

Installing Metasploit and Nmap

Execute these commands:
sudo apt install metasploit-framework -y
sudo apt install nmap -y

Using Katoolin to Remove Kali Repositories

To avoid breaking the server, we need to remove the Kali repositories when installing normal software.

Execute this command to start Katoolin:

sudo katoolin
From the Katoolin kat > prompt, enter these options:

Finding your Windows Cloud Server's IP Address

In your Google Cloud Platform Console, find your Windows cloud server's IP address, as outlined in red in the image below.

Scanning your Windows Server

Execute these command, replacing the IP address with your Windows cloud server's IP address.
sudo nmap
Your server has the usual Microsoft ports open, as shown below.

Find the service name, which is covered by a green box in the image below. Enter it into the form below.

2C.1: Recording Your Success (10 pts extra credit)

Use the form below to record your score in Canvas.

If you don't have a Canvas account, see the instructions here.

Name or Email:

Installing metasploit on a cheap Debian VPS
deb2kali A Script to Convert Debian Linux (8.1) into Kali Linux
configure multiple sshd instances on debian 8 (jessie) systemd
systemd unit file for dropbear
How to automatically execute shell script at startup boot on systemd Linux
How to Install VNC w/ GNOME on Debian VPS
How to Install and Configure VNC on Debian 9

Posted 9-6-18
Added installation of dirmngr 10-10-18