RDP DoS MS12-20

This was TOO easy!

I read about the attack here:


I downloaded this file:


I used an old virtual machine that did not have recent updates, and turned off automatic updates, to prevent it from getting the patch for this exploit.

Then I turned on Remote Desktop in a virtual machine running Windows 7 Professional:

I got the IP address and tested it with a ping:

I ran the attack about 8 times to get the BSOD:

It is not healthy for the target machine!

It could not restart. I forced it to power off, and on the second restart it offered to try System Restore or Startup Repair (it's not clear which it is doing):

Don't test this attack on a machine you love!

As you can see below, I was unable to recover this machine with System Restore, I think I'll have to just discard it and make a copy of another one. This attack killed it!

UPDATE: After all those failed operations, I ran "Startup Repair" again, and the machine came back up!

Last modified 9:57 AM 3-16-2012 Sam Bowne