121 Proj X9: Amazon Web Services Honeypot (15 or 20 pts.)

What you need:


You will set up your Amazon Web Services server as a honeypot, to allow password-based SSH logins and record the passwords used.

This is NOT secure, and not appropriate for use on real production machines.

Opening an ssh Session

On the Mac, in a Terminal window, enter this line, inserting the correct path to your keyfile, and your correct AWS Instance DNS name:
ssh -i Downloads/samskey.pem ec2-user@ec2-23-20-142-130.compute-1.amazonaws.com

You should now get a shell, as shown below:

Enabling Password Authentication

This is much less secure than the key-based authentication you are using now, and not recommended for production servers.

But in this project, it's interesting to allow it to see the attacks it will attract.

In the ssh session, execute these commands:

sudo cp /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/ssh/sshd_config.bak

sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Scroll about 2 screens down and find the line that currently says:

PasswordAuthentication no
Change that line to:
PasswordAuthentication yes
as shown below:

Press Ctrl+X, Y, Enter to save the file. Execute this command to restart sshd:

sudo /etc/init.d/sshd restart

Opening another ssh Session

On the Mac, open a new Terminal window, and enter this line, inserting your correct AWS Instance DNS name:
ssh ec2-user@ec2-23-20-142-130.compute-1.amazonaws.com

You should see a prompt asking for a password, as shown below:

Press Ctrl+C to exit the SSH session. Close this Terminal window and return to the Terminal window with your open session, using key-based authentication.

Installing Compilers

The Amazon Linux is based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.0, and it does not include a compiler. We need a compiler to alter and re-compile the sshd to capture passwords.

Execute this command:

sudo yum install gcc gcc-c++ autoconf automake zlib-devel openssl-devel make -y
The process took 2 minutes when I did it. When it finishes, you will see the message: Complete!

Compiling OpenSSH from Source

In the Terminal, execute these commands:

mkdir ssh-source

cd ssh-source

wget http://mirror.mcs.anl.gov/openssh/portable/openssh-5.8p1.tar.gz

tar -xvzf openssh-5.8p1.tar.gz

cd openssh-5.8p1



The screen fills with many pages of code. That is normal. After the first few screensful, it starts running gcc on files.

Configuring the Listening Port

You are already running an instance of sshd on your AWS machine and using it to control it, and two processes cannot be bound to the same port. So to test the new sshd, we will configure it to run on a different port.

Execute these commands:

sudo cp sshd_config sshd_config.bak

sudo nano sshd_config

Find the line that currently says:

#Port 22
Change that line to:
Port 2222
as shown below:

Press Ctrl+X, Y, Enter to save the file. Execute these commands to prepare sshd for use:

sudo cp sshd_config /usr/local/etc

sudo mkdir /usr/local/etc/ssh

sudo ssh-keygen -t dsa -f /usr/local/etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key

Press Enter twice to use a blank passphrase.

Starting sshd

Execute these commands to start sshd:

sudo cp /usr/local/etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key /usr/local/etc

sudo /home/ec2-user/ssh-source/openssh-5.8p1/sshd

You will see a message saying "Could not load host key: /usr/local/etc/ssh_host_rsa_key" but that doesn't stop the sshd from running.

Execute this command to verify that sshd is listening on port 2222:

netstat -an | more

You should see a LISTENING process on port 2222, and another on port 22, as shown below:

The process listening on 2222 is the sshd you just compiled, and the process listening on port 22 is the built-in sshd Amazon placed in the virtual machine.

Adjusting the AWS Firewall

Open a browser and go to


Log in with your Amazon account.

On the right side, in the "My Resources" section, click "1 Running Instance", as shown below:

On the next page, on the right side, you can see that your Instance is in the Security Group "quick-start1", as shown below:

In the left pane, click "Security Groups".

Near the top of the panel, check the "quick-start-1" box.

In the lower pane, click the "Inbound" tab.

In the lower pane, on the right side, you can see that the only open port is 22 (SSH), as shown below:

In the lower pane, on the left, enter a "Port range" of "2222". Click the "Add Rule" button.

In the lower pane, on the left, enter a "Port range" of "222". Click the "Add Rule" button.

Your screen should look like the example below:

In the lower pane, on the left, click the "Apply Rule Change" button.

Opening an ssh Session on Port 2222

On the Mac, in a Terminal window, enter this line, inserting the correct path to your keyfile, and your correct AWS Instance DNS name:
ssh -i Downloads/samskey.pem -p 2222 ec2-user@ec2-23-20-142-130.compute-1.amazonaws.com

If you see a question asking "Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?", answer yes

You should now get a shell, as shown below:

Saving the Image

Make sure the connection to port 2222 is visible. Save this image with the filename Proj X9a from YOUR NAME

Stopping the ssh Process Listening on Port 2222

You are going to modify the ssh process, so you need to stop it first.

In the Terminal window, connected to port 2222, execute this command:

Return to your Terminal window connected over port 22. Execute this command to see running ssh processes:
ps aux | grep ssh
You should see two lines with names beginning with sshd: and one line labelled /home/ec2-user/ssh-source/openssh-5.8p1/sshd, as shown below.

The sshd: lines are the built-in Amazon ssh service, running on port 22, which you are currently using to control the server. You need to leave that ssh running, or you will lose control of your server.

You need to stop the /home/ec2-user/ssh-source/openssh-5.8p1/sshd process. Look at the screen and find the number in the second column--that is the process ID. In my example, it is 12167.

BE CAREFUL! Don't kill the wrong process!

Execute this command to kill the /home/ec2-user/ssh-source/openssh-5.8p1/sshd process, replacing the process ID number with the correct number for your server:

sudo kill 12167

Execute this command to ensure that there is no longer a process listening on port 2222:

netstat -an | more
There are processes listening on ports 22 and 25, but no process listening on port 2222, as shown below.

Press Ctrl+C to stop the netstat display.

Hacking ssh to Capture Passwords

In the Terminal window, connected to port 2222, execute these commands:
cd /home/ec2-user/ssh-source/openssh-5.8p1

cp auth-passwd.c auth-passwd.c.orig

nano auth-passwd.c

Make these changes in the file:

Scroll down about one page to find the #include statements shown below, and add this line:

#include "canohost.h"

Scroll down about two screens and find the section labelled " Tries to authenticate the user using password." as shown below:

Move the cursor to the end of the "int result, ok = authctxt->valid;" line, and press the Enter key several times to make some whitespace, as shown below:

Add appropriate comment lines to the start and end of your whitespace, as shown below:

Carefully enter this code between those comments:

if (*password != '\0')
struct tm *timePtr;
time_t localTime;
char timeString[100];

localTime = time(NULL);
timePtr = localtime(&localTime);
strftime(timeString, 100, "%D %r", timePtr);

FILE *logFile;
logFile = fopen("/var/log/sshd_attempts","a+");
fprintf (logFile,"From: %s at: %s | user: %s, pass: %s\n", \
get_remote_ipaddr(), timeString, authctxt->user, password);
fclose (logFile);

Your screen should look like this:

Press Ctrl+X, Y, Enter to save the file.

Restarting the Hacked ssh on Port 2222

In the Terminal, execute these commands:


sudo /home/ec2-user/ssh-source/openssh-5.8p1/sshd

Opening an ssh Session on Port 2222

Open a new a Terminal window, and enter this line, inserting the correct path to your keyfile, and your correct AWS Instance DNS name:
ssh -i Downloads/samskey.pem -p 2222 ec2-user@ec2-23-20-142-130.compute-1.amazonaws.com

You should now get a shell, as shown below:

Sending some Passwords to the Hacked ssh

Open a new a Terminal window, and execute this command, inserting your correct AWS Instance DNS name:
ssh -p 2222 ec2-user@ec2-23-20-142-130.compute-1.amazonaws.com

A prompt asks for a password. Enter these three passwords (using your own names instead of the literal strings "YOUR-FIRST-NAME" and "YOUR-LAST-NAME":




All the passwords are rejected, but they should have been collected by the hacked ssh at the server.

Viewing the Captured Passwords

In a Terminal window that is still logged in to your AWS machine, execute this command:

sudo tail /var/log/sshd_attempts

You should see the captured passwords, as shown below:

Saving the Image

Save this image with the filename Proj X9b from YOUR NAME

Optional: Capturing Real Attacks

You can turn in just the two images above to get 15 points. But if you do the following steps successfully, you should be able to collect passwords from real criminals attacking your server.

But you are relying on the criminals to cooperate, and that is not guaranteed.

Overview and Risks

Here is the current situation: you have two ssh processes running on your server, and you should have two Terminal windows open and logged in, as shown below:

To collect real attack traffic, you need to move the hacked ssh to port 22. That will mean the original Amazon ssh will need to move to some other port. These instructions will move it to port 222, as shown below:

The problem is that you need to move both ssh processes, and if you do it incorrectly, you could lose all access to your AWS server.

Here is an overview of the steps to accomplish this move:

  1. Start with both Terminal sessions connected.
  2. Move the Amazon ssh to port 222, restarting it.
  3. Reconnect the Amazon terminal session to port 222.
  4. Move the hacked ssh to port 22, restarting it.

Moving the Amazon ssh to Port 222

Use the Terminal session connected to port 22.

Execute these commands:

sudo cp /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/ssh_sshd_config.bak2

sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Near the top, find the line that says:

#Port 22

Change that line to:

Port 222
Your screen should look like the image below:

Save the file with Ctrl+X, Y, Enter.

Execute this command to restart ssh:

sudo etc/init.d/sshd restart

Execute this command to see listening ports:

netstat -an | more

If the change was successful, you should see a process listening on port 222, but no processes listening on port 22, as shown below:

Troubleshooting: When I did it, there was still a listening process on port 22, so I had to use the
sudo ps aux | grep sshd
command to locate the running /usr/sbin/sshd processes and kill them with kill commands like this:
sudo kill 21196
And then when I restarted sshd with this command, it was correctly listening only on port 222:
sudo etc/init.d/sshd restart

Connecting to sshd on Port 222

In your Terminal window connected over port 22, execute this command:
If it hangs, use Ctrl+C to stop it.

Execute this command to connect on port 222, inserting the correct path to your keyfile, and your correct AWS Instance DNS name:

ssh -i Downloads/samskey.pem -p 222 ec2-user@ec2-23-20-142-130.compute-1.amazonaws.com
You should now have two Terminal sessions, one on port 222, and one on port 2222.

Moving the Hacked ssh to Port 22

Use the Terminal window connected over port 222, and execute these commands:
cd /home/ec2-user/ssh-source/openssh-5.8p1

cp sshd_config sshd_config.bak2

nano sshd_config

Near the top, find the line that says:

Port 2222

Change that line to:

Port 22

Your screen should look like the image below:

Save the file with Ctrl+X, Y, Enter.

Execute this command to see running ssh processes:

ps aux | grep ssh
You should see a line labelled /home/ec2-user/ssh-source/openssh-5.8p1/sshd, as shown below.

You need to stop the /home/ec2-user/ssh-source/openssh-5.8p1/sshd process. Look at the screen and find the number in the second column--that is the process ID. In my example, it is 31910.

BE CAREFUL! Don't kill the wrong process!

Execute this command to kill the /home/ec2-user/ssh-source/openssh-5.8p1/sshd process, replacing the process ID number with the correct number for your server:

sudo kill 31910

Execute this command to ensure that there is no longer a process listening on port 22:

netstat -an | more
In the figure below, there are processes listening on ports 222, 25, and 2222, but no process listening on port 22:

Press Ctrl+C to stop the netstat display.

In the Terminal, execute this command to start the hacked ssh:

sudo /home/ec2-user/ssh-source/openssh-5.8p1/sshd -p 22
Note: The -p 22 switch should not be needed, but when I tried it it refused to stop using port 2222 until I put that command-line argument there.

Execute this command to ensure that there is now a process listening on port 22:

netstat -an | more

Press Ctrl+C to stop the netstat display.

Sending Test Passwords to the Hacked ssh on Port 22

Open a new a Terminal window, and execute this command, inserting your correct AWS Instance DNS name:
ssh ec2-user@ec2-23-20-142-130.compute-1.amazonaws.com

A prompt asks for a password. Enter these three passwords:




Viewing the Captured Passwords

In a Terminal window that is still logged in to your AWS machine, execute this command:

sudo tail /var/log/sshd_attempts

You should see the captured passwords, showing your first and last name on the right side, as shown below:

Wait for an Attack

Now things are out of your control. Wait a day or so to see what you are capturing in your honeypot.

Before long, you should see names and passwords from automated attacks. I got my first attacks 5.5 hours after setting up the honeypot.

When you get attacks, you will see many login attempts in a short period of time, as shown below:

Saving the Image

Make sure you can see an attack, with a lot of login attempts rapidly coming in.

Save this image with the filename Proj X9c from YOUR NAME

Turning in your Project

Email the images to cnit.121@gmail.com with the subject line: Proj X9 from YOUR NAME






Last modified 3-18-11 10 PM