F 211: Memory Forensics of LastPass and Keeper (25 extra)

What You Need for This Project


To see how the LastPass password manager handles your private data in memory.

This project just follows this excellent write-up from MDSec: Analysing LastPass, Part 1.

Installing Chrome

On your Windows machine, if you don't already have it, get Chrome here:

Installing Process Explorer

On your Windows machine, if you don't already have it, get Process Explorer here:

Installing HxD

On your Windows machine, if you don't already have it, get HxD here:

Target 1: LastPass

Installing LastPass

On your Windows machine, in Chrome, go to:
Click the "Get LastPass Free" button.

Fill in the form, as shown below.

Use a disposable email address, such as YOURNAME@mailinator.com.

Click the "Sign Up-It's Free" button.

Click the "Install LastPass" button, as shown below.

Click the "Add to Chrome" button. Click "Add extension".

A Lastpass screen opens, as shown below.

At the bottom center, click "Add items one-by-one".


Add a fake password with these values, as shown below:

Click the Save button.

Finding the Process with the LastPass Extension

Launch Process Explorer. Scroll to the lower section to see user processes.

There are several Chrome processes, as shown below.

Hover the mouse over a Chrome process to see its command line.

Find the process with this switch, outlined in red in the image below:

-- extension-process
Make a note of the PID of that process. In the image below, it's 3400.

Check to see if there is a second process with the "-- extension-process" switch. When I did it there were two. Note both PID values.

Exploring the Memory of the Process

Launch HxD.

From the menu bar, click Tools, "Open main memory...".

Find the Process ID of the process containing the LastPass extension, as shown below, and double-click it.

In HxD, click Search, Find.

In the "Search for" field, enter testpassword1234

Set the Text Encoding to "unicode (UTF-16 little-endian)", as shown below.

Click the "Search all" button.

F 211.1: Password Label (15 pts)

The flag appears at the lower right, covered by a green rectangle in the image below.

Target 2: Keeper

Installing Firefox

If you don't already have it, install Firefox from

Installing Keeper

In Firefox, go to:
At the top right, click "Try it Free for 10 Days".

Click "Personal and Family".

Enter a disposable email address ending in mailinator.com and click "Try it Free Now".

Create an account and log in.

Click the "Create New" button.

Click Record.

Create a "Login" record with any name and a password containing the string CCSF#, as shown below.

Install the KeeperFill Browser Extension.

Leave Firefox open.

F 211.2: Finding the Process Containing Private Data (10 pts)

It's difficult to find the correct Firefox process. You don't always see the same indicator.

In Process Explorer, click View, "Show Lower Pane".

Click View, "Lower Pane View", DLLs.

Look for one of these clues:

  • A DLL with a name containing "keepersecurity" or "formautofill"
  • A handle to File \Device\KsecDD (You'll need to change the lower pane view)
In HxD, search that Firefox process for the string "CCSF#" in Unicode, as shown below.

The flag is covered by a green rectangle in the image below.


Analysing LastPass, Part 1

Posted 10-23-2021
Keeper added 11-3-22
Lastpass link fixed 11-29-22
Flag 2 changed 12-3-22
Flag 1 changed and video added 4-24-23
Flag 2 changed 5-4-23
Instructions for LastPass updated 11-7-23
--extension-process figure fixed 7-17-24