Global Internet Slowdown of 9-14-2011

On 9-14-11, for 20 minutes, the whole Internet slowed down dramatically. This seems like a big deal to me, but I haven't heard any explanation so far.

Here is the global data.

I got this data from at 1:40 pm 9-16-2011.

Here is the North American data:

Here is a Tweet from Twitter about it, which they later deleted. I got it from the Google cache.

BGP Data

I got this BGP data online, and I don't see anything unusual happening at that time. I don't understand how an event like that could fail to affect BGP; but if it did, the effect was more subtle, I guess.


The Datapository -- BGP Data and more

BGP Instability Report

BGP Monitoring System

The BGP IPv6 Instability Report

Posted 1:52 pm 9-16-11 by Sam Bowne Updated with BGP data 9-21-11