Scanning for Hosts on IPv6

I am at the Google IPv6 Implementors Conference, on a native IPv6 Wi-Fi LAN. I want to scan to see who's there, but Cain is useless on IPv6, as far as I know. So I used an Ubuntu 8.04 VM on my Windows 7 host, and did these steps:

sudo apt-get install libnet-pcap-perl

sudo apt-get install libpcap0.8-dev

sudo apt-get install libssl-dev

Open Firefox and download the TCH-IPv6 package from

cd to the directory you placed the file in. Then execute these commands to unpack it and make it:

tar xzf thc-ipv6-1.4.tar.gz

cd thc-ipv6-1.4


That's it! Now you can use the tools as described here:

Here's my scan of the network--30 hosts found!

ipv6-scan-google (157K)

Here is a wireshark capture of the scan in progress:

ipv6-scan-google2 (121K)