CNIT 345 Proj 11x: Win 8 Intro (15 pts.)

Windows 8 Developer Preview is out! I have DVDs to hand out in class, and you can also download it here:

There are three ways to use Windows 8 that I know of:

When you install it, you will have to either create a normal Windows local user account, or log in with Windows Live.

The New "Metro" Desktop

When Windows 8 starts, you see the new desktop, which some people are calling the "Metro Desktop". Other people say Metro is the programming language used to create it, not the desktop itself.

Whatever you call it, it is very different from the traditional desktop, using square tiles instead of a Start menu, as shown below:

The Normal Desktop

From the "Metro" desktop, click the "Desktop" tile. A desktop similar to the Windows 7 desktop opens, as shown below.

Notice that the Start button, in the lower left corner, looks different. In fact, the Start button is gone. That button just takes you back to the "Metro" desktop. Click it and see.

From the "Metro" desktop, click the "Control Panel" tile. It's very simplified, like a cell phone panel, as shown below:

Picture Password

On the left side of Control Panel, click Users. On the right side, click "Create a picture password". The Picture Password explanation appears, as shown below.

Navigating and Full-Screen Apps

Control Panel fills the whole screen, so how can you exit from it? There are several ways.

If you move your mouse to the bottom-left corner of the screen, a menu pops up showing the new Start button, as shown below:

Click the new Start button to return to the Metro Desktop.

Now hold down the Alt key and tap Tab to return to Control Panel.

Move your mouse to the bottom-left corner of the screen, and click the new Start button to return to the "Metro" desktop.

Click the light blue Weather tile. A full-screen Weather app should open. If you are using a virtual machine and the app won't open, try maximizing the window. Windows 8 apps seem to launch better on larger desktops.

The Weather app should open, as shown below. Right-click the city name (by default, Anaheim). A gray bar appears at the bottom of the screen so you can adjust the settings.

At the bottom of the Weather screen, click the "Remove City" button. Then click the "Add City" button. Type in San Francisco and press the Enter key. The weather report for San Francisco should appear.

Move your mouse to the bottom-left corner of the screen, and click the new Start button to return to the "Metro" desktop. You should see the Weather tile, showing the weather in San Francisco, as shown below:

Saving the Screen Image

Make sure you can see the San Francisco weather as shown in the image above on this page.

Save a screen image with the filename Proj 11x-a from Your Name.

SmartScreen Filter

Windows 8 now includes antivirus by default, called the SmartScreen Filter.

From the "Metro" desktop, click the "Internet Explorer" tile. Internet Explorer 10 launches. At the bottom, in the Address bar, type and then press the Enter key. If the Address bar is not visible, right-click the middle of the screen to make it appear, as shown below:

If the upper part of the eicar web page is covered up, left-click the middle of the screen to make it visible. Click the "DOWNLOAD ANTI-MALWARE TESTFILE" icon, as shown below:

On the next page, on the left, click the purple DOWNLOAD link.

On the next page, click the first link, to download via http, as shown below:

When a message appears, asking "Do you want to run or saveā€¦", click "Run".

A message appears saying " has been reported as unsafe by SpartScreen Filter...", as shown below:

Saving the Screen Image

Make sure you can see the San Francisco weather as shown in the image above on this page.

Save a screen image with the filename Proj 11x-b from Your Name.

Saving the Screen Image

Make sure you can see the San Francisco weather as shown in the image above on this page.

Save a screen image with the filename Proj 11x-a from Your Name.

Turning in Your Project

Email the images to with a Subject line of Proj 11x from Your Name.

Last modified: 9:30 am 9-15-11